Child of Heaven

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" all that's left. All anyone will ever know about."

Why am I saying this?

"Survive. We must survive."

It's not you. It's us. Me. I.

"Promise. Promise us you will survive."

No. I am not only a piece. I am all of us. We will make it.

"They killed us. The other parts of me. You are all that will escape, so promise."

Promise...why will only I survive? I'm here. I'm...all of us....

Bang! Bang-bang!


Technoblade opened his eyes. The room he was in was quiet, dark and warm. No gunfire. No swirling liquid surrounding his body. No...Theseus. He sat up. Years and years had gone by without him feeling the loss of his other selves so acutely, what had triggered it now?

With a sigh, he looked out the window. The sky was still black, the moon down. Nothing was stirring. Except, perhaps, the mobs of the woods.

Let's go find something to kill. -Thorn
We miss him too. -Wasp81
Sh r o o m s -Board
Darkness covers all miseries. -StarRadahn
Let's go. -RavishRider28

Techno slid off the bed and opened his bedroom door a crack, listening. Nothing seemed to be stirring, but he knew better than to rely completely on that. Philza or Kai could very easily be downstairs, either in the kitchen or in the living room, watching the fire crackle in the hearth. So he silently slipped downstairs, testing each stair as he went and skipping certain ones altogether. When he reached the corner, he crouched, peering around to look into the living room. No one was there, but by now he could see a faint light coming from under the kitchen door. Kai was probably up. So Techno eased the rest of the way down the stairs and crept towards the front door. No sounds appeared to give him away, and Kai didn't come out, so Techno slid the locks back and opened the door as slowly as he could. It barely groaned, but that was still enough to make him wince.

The air outside was cool, the wind breathing through the long grass that bent and bowed under its pressure. Techno stepped out into the porch. He stared out into the darkness beyond the torchlight, which his eyes could not pierce, and listened. Crickets were chirping to each other. He closed the door and jumped carefully over the railing of the porch, landing in the soft grass with a dull thud. Then he strode to his left, around the house, past the golden rosebush and the pool, and headed for the woods. As soon as he got outside the ring of lanterns and torches that surrounded his house, both ears stood straight and swiveled, trying to catch every sound he could.

Here we go killing again. -whynotapinecone
Fear us! -Rose
We going to tell Dadza about the dream? -J_Raptor
Cronch monch E -Jerry
I smells angst -Moss

The distinct growl of a zombie made him turn swiftly in that direction. It wasn't very close, but he knew exactly where to go. Striding off into the brush, he kept his senses alert for any other threats that might lurk nearby. The smell of damp wood warned him of a log in his path and the sound of the zombie's feet told him where it was.

It was with two others when he came upon it, and each were growling and grumbling to the others, oblivious in their dead minds to anything beyond themselves. Techno brought down his fist on one of their heads, smashing it in. The others turned with snarls of surprise, if they even had that emotion, and he gripped their skulls, smashing them together. They fell with a collective thump.

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