Our Golden Haven

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Riding down into the valley was hard. Knowing that there was a village mere miles away increased Techno's fatigue to the point where he was almost sliding off the horse. Phil called out to him, "Techno! Do you want to stop for a bit?"

"Mmph." Techno pulled himself straight. "D'rather not, Phil. Ask me somethin'. Keep me awake." He knocked himself soundly on the forehead, trying to get his mind alert again.

Philza grabbed his hand. "Mate, don't hit yourself, please. Here, who was that man back there? You called him Dream."

Techno shook his head. "Yeah, uh, Dream. He and I met about...seven years ago I think. He helped me out of a bad spot. Wasn't 'cause he was nice or anythin', he just wanted my rage. Wanted me t' fight for him. Turns out I didn't care, so I left." Techno realized Phil was still holding his hand and he returned the gesture. "Dream, he's decent in his way. Always was straight with me, at least. But he is a bit twisted. Had this big plan he shared with me, all about how he was gonna...make an enormous family or somethin'. I don't remember right now. But it sounded wrong, Phil. It sounded all wrong. So I told him I had my own plans and I left." He yawned and shook his head again. "Uh, we bumped into each other a couple times over the years, but we didn't talk much. I did my thing, he did his. Now I guess he's got a land. Never did give up on his dream, huh?" Techno grinned.

Phil's eyes narrowed. "Tell me more about him when you're rested, will you?"

Techno nodded. "Sure thing, Phil. Sure thing. Now ask me somethin' else."

This time Kristen's voice piped up. "What are we going to name the baby?"

Techno groaned. "No, Kris, please. You guys decide that, I don't wanna think about it." His ears fell flat against his hair. "Baby talk is awkward."

Phil laughed. "Alright, let's find something else. Something easy, though. You can't think straight right now."

"Favorite flowers!" Kristen said. She rode up on Techno's other side opposite of Phil. "Obviously I love my Roses, but what about you guys! And don't feel bad if you like something other than my flowers, okay?"

Phil smiled. "I won't. My favorites are yellow roses, actually. They look like the sun blessed that particular flower with all its light and warmth. If we could surround our house in your Roses and mine, love, I'd be happy."

Kristen beamed, her pale skin glowing as her eyes lit up. "Aw, Phil! Your turn, Techno, your turn!"

The hybrid rubbed his snout. "Uhhhhh...Edelweiss, actually." An image of the white flower, with its fuzzy, pointy petals and golden center shone in his imagination for a second. "It's 'cause the flower grows so high up in the mountains that when someone wants to go find it, it's a real risk to collect. Which is why it symbolizes, uh..." Techno paused, the vulnerability of his next words suddenly weighing on his sleepy mind.

"Yeah? Techno?" Phil tapped his shoulder.

Say it. Say it.
Be braaaaaaave Technoblade.
Make your friends happyyyyyy.
(Yawn) yeah, make 'em happy.
Happy friends.
Sleepy us.

"Uh..." Techno's voice lowered as he became shy, "...it symbolizes devotion. Devotion and...and deep love. Yeah. That's why it's my favorite." His ears pressed very flat against his hair now, and he could feel the back of his neck heat up. The Voices cooed in the background of his brain, their temporary pride in him echoing over and over through their ranks.

Yaaaaaay they know we love them.
They already knew.
But now he said it, yoooo.
Man, was it so hard?
What the heck we're tired.

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