The Value of Life

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Kai was the first to start worrying. Neither Tommy nor Wilbur had come home since they left in the late hours of the morning and now it was early afternoon. He said a few quiet words to Philza, who nodded and went outside. Phil wasn't exactly worried yet, but he was beginning to wonder where the two boys were. He had confidence in them and was sure that any minute they would come racing towards home, having merely lost track of time.

He shaded his eyes, scanning the countryside around him. There was no sign of either of the boys yet, but Philza decided not to be concerned until closer to sunset. "They should be back by then." He murmured, and went to light the lanterns. Just in case.

Kai sat on the porch, his wings wrapped around his lean frame, eyes also narrowed and staring out over the meadow. Lune had left mere hours ago, promising to return the next day with new additions to the schematics for the cafe the friends were working on, and Kai was feeling the need for solitude beginning to be satisfied. Well, solitude with Technoblade. His brother was sitting on the edge of the porch, one hand holding a book, the other laying beside Kai in case the avian wanted pets.

Philza stepped up onto the porch with his matches, striking a light into the lanterns hanging from the edges of the ceiling. "It's quiet tonight." He murmured. "Wilbur will be home soon."

One of Techno's ears turned his direction. Kai knew from watching his brother that Techno wasn't actually reading so much as he was listening. His eyes had been glazed and staring at one spot on his book for some time now. Kai looked up at Phil. "Can we go look for him, at least a little? What if he and Tommy are in trouble?" He didn't want to think about it, but the images were already piling into his head as soon as he said the words. Wilbur and Tommy, endangered by mobs because they'd strayed too far. Flailing in water they hadn't realized had a stronger current than they'd expected. Lost in the woods.

Philza knelt down beside him, patting his shoulder softly. "We will, if it gets too late. There's no need to worry yet; they probably don't realize what time it is. They'll come home any second, you'll see."

They stayed on that porch until the sun went down, and twilight was veiling the land from their sight. Ranboo had joined them now and was standing out in the grass, his long tail switching from side to side. Still, nobody heard a sound, nor saw a movement. Techno had long since abandoned his book and was furrowing his brows at the distant hills, though he couldn't see them very well in this light. Kai shuddered and drew closer to him.

Suddenly Ranboo took a step forward. "Something's there." He said. "It looks like a bird."

Philza got up and joined him. "It's a Crow." He said in a low voice. Both of Techno's ears shot up and he leaned forward.

The bird bobbed up and down as it flew, zig-zagging and twirling in the peculiar flight pattern of Corvus, the golden-eyed crow. Philza held out an arm, letting the large creature perch on it. "Tell me you know something about Wilbur and Tommy." He said. "And none of your word games, Corvus. Where are the boys?"

The bird cocked its head on one side, eyes gleaming at Philza. They are brave children. They're fine, Phil, no need to worry. Just proving themselves in the woods. The laugh that trilled from its throat seemed ominous to its hearers. Techno stood up, gently removing his arm from Kai's grasp.

"Where in the woods?" He said, his voice low and teeth set.

Corvus flirted its wings. The woods, Blade. The woods, among the trees and the darkness. They seek to be brave. But I knew you'd want to know about it. So here I am.

Technoblade looked sharply at Philza. "We need to find them."

Phil's eyes were fixed on the bird with suspicion. "And just what are they doing to 'prove themselves', Corvus?"

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