My birds, your Orphans

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(btw, recently learned that Grimmijaggers, who inspired this chapter's new characters, would appreciate being credited if her art style is used to describe the characters she usually animates. So, on that note: credit for the look of a certain robot goes completely to her, and credit for the design of most of the robot's master goes to her as well. Sweet, now I'm safe from copyright infringement and the wrath of Grimmi.)

Spring had almost ended. The days were getting warmer, summer drawing close to the little family. They had taken to long walks through the forest and in the fields, ever since Wilbur had been able to actually run. The Crows enjoyed these ventures a great deal, cawing and each competing to see which could bring the most amount of treasures to whomever each Crow preferred. By now, the golden-eyed crow had been pretty solidly accepted as one of the gang, and they led many of the more mischievous Crows on escapades of merriment, which sometimes left Phil very worried for the mental health of his birds.

It was during these early days of summer that Wilbur made an unexpected friend, as did Philza and Kai.

They were already outside. Kai and Ranboo sat under a tree together, the latter carefully preening Kai's growing wings. Their span was now six feet, and Kai was growing anxious at the thought of flight lessons. So Techno or Ranboo would take it in turn to calm him down by caring for his feathers. It helped immensely and the avian boy, now a teenager, was grateful for the help. He'd slowly become more used to the touch of his brothers.

Techno stood a little farther from the group, watching Wilbur as the five-year-old scampered over the grass, chasing a cricket. Techno had recently begun training to fight again, and his strengthened body showed it. His hair, long enough now to reach his waist, tumbled thick and tangled in the morning breeze.

Philza stretched his wings out to their fullest extent and yawned. It was a slow day, but of the enjoyable kind. The sun's warmth stroked his skin and wings, making him sleepy. Wind breathed across the meadow and each feather in the angel's wings rustled at the touch. He sighed happily. Peace dwelled in his bones and he wished it would never end.

Wilbur pounced, then yelled in disappointment as the cricket leapt beyond his reach. "You don't jump on 'em!" Techno called. "You gotta be sneaky." But Wilbur hadn't the patience and was soon running again. Ranboo laughed from under the shade of the pear tree.

Phil walked down from the porch and went to stand next to Technoblade. The Piglin hybrid's ears twitched towards him as he continued to keep his eyes on Wilbur. "Yeah, Phil?"

"Nothing. Just wanted to be over here rather than by myself on the porch." Philza sat down in the grass, letting his wings spread out behind him. After a moment, Techno followed his example. Phil looked over at his friend. "You good, mate?"

"Yeah, why?" Techno reached over and rubbed Phil's shoulder absently. Rarely did he give pets, and it flooded the angel with sudden joy as he returned the gesture by stroking Techno's back.

"Just wondering." Philza admitted. "Ever since you started training again you've seemed quieter than usual. And you watch Wilbur more closely."

Techno grunted. "Side effect. Voices want death, just not you guys' death. Puts me on guard." He straightened, a small whine of appreciation escaping as Philza's hand ran down his spine. "Although...that's gonna put me to sleep if you keep it up."

Phil grinned again. "Well, I'm just glad you're okay." He looked back at Wilbur, who'd now given up on the cricket and had flopped on the ground, panting in the sun. "You having fun, Wil?"

The boy held up both his arms to the sky and exclaimed, "We are all freshly baked sunshine pies!"

Techno snorted. "The heck we are. More like just you, kid."

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