How far would you go?

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Why did it always have to end in weakness? Technoblade woke from the onslaught of memories and rage to see Philza's wings covering him and to feel the angel's hands holding his own. He groaned, wondering what on earth he'd done this time.

Well, nobody died.
This time. -Ros
I still want potatoes. -Mag
Oop, there's a mad boi nearby.
(Sniffs) b l u d -Boa
D A D Z A S T A N -J_Rap
Gosh, you guys are loud today.

Techno sat up. He felt Phil's wings draw away and the sunlight fell upon him again. His body felt so tired; his limbs trembled beneath him and he wanted to just collapse again. But his pride kept him upright.

"So..." An unfamiliar voice spoke off to his left. Techno looked and saw that Creeper-hybrid kneeling on the ground a few feet away. Only minutes ago he'd been breathing smoke and handling Technoblade like a ragdoll. Now he sat, his front feet tucked securely beneath him, his hands folded in front. It was he who spoke. "'re normally peaceful. That...episode with Tommy..." more smoke drifted from his mask and Techno heard a light growl, "...that wasn't usual?"

"No." Philza replied. "Techno hasn't had problems like that during most of the years we've known each other. This...he must've been triggered by what you said earlier, about Tommy."

Sam narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. "Alright." He nodded and slowly rose to his feet. The same small girl from before, though Techno had previously paid little attention to her, trotted up beside her father and plopped upon the ground. She stared intently at Technoblade, like a strange mixture of childish wonder and grown-up fascination. At first, Techno thought it bothered him. But as he returned her stare, he realized it was the fact that she didn't bother him that was confusing. So he just sat there and looked back at her. He didn't really have the energy for much else.

The voices of Philza and Sam faded into the background as Techno's adrenaline crash came over him. But he didn't want to lose himself again so he kept his eyes steadily on the horned child, who was gradually beginning to bounce in place. Her lips pursed and after a second or two she whispered loudly, "There's so much dirt in your hair. We need to wash it out; do you guys have a bucket?"

It's hair. Who cares? -Mag
I'm still hungry. -Tho

The Voices mumbled and squeaked in Technoblade's head, distracting him from the girl's question. He didn't answer, instead focusing on her horns, on the way they twisted and bent upwards, deer-like in their slenderness, but with more points and angles. He felt someone pat his hair and start combing it through their fingers. It was probably Kai, for Philza was still visible a few feet away, talking to the Creeper-hybrid.

Kai's soft tones broke the silence. "We do, but it's at the house." He began separating locks of hair and plaiting them together. Techno, not quite sure what his brother was doing, sat still and waited to see what would happen. He didn't really feel like making a response to it right now.

The girl leaned forward, her fingers playing with each other more rapidly then the hybrid could really follow. "Soooo...that story you told. Was that a memory or a dream? 'Cause it was really good, bestie."

Good? Did she even hear what...wait. What did I say? I don't remember...Technoblade could recall the memories that had taken over his mind, but he hadn't a clue what he'd said during that time. He found himself answering rather dully. " was a memory."

The girl's eyebrows went up and she immediately tugged a notebook and a tiny inkpot from her belt. The white feather in her hair was also carefully removed and used to scribble in her book whatever it was she found so interesting. Suddenly she glanced up at him again. "What's your name, bestie?"

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