Four brothers and a Dad

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Philza woke in a dark room. He was cold, huddled in a big armchair. Alone. Techno was gone.

Phil's mind was still too clouded with misery and sleep to either explain the hybrid's absence or to handle it. He got up, swaying and stumbling in his very weariness, his hands groping about for support. He wanted Technoblade. He wanted to be held again. His bleary eyes searched the room, but everything was blurry and kept going in and out of focus.

The faintest murmur of someone's voice came from beyond. Philza lurched that direction, his hands outstretched and trembling. Thoughts flashed at random through his mind, none of them making sense. He didn't try to understand them.

He staggered into a door. Couldn't tell which door, but it had a handle, and he only just recognized Techno speaking on the other side. Blindly he fumbled with the doorknob, his hand slipping twice before he managed to turn it all the way. He opened the door and looked out. It was still too dark for him to really see, but he did make out the large silhouette of the Piglin hybrid standing only a few feet away. On the porch. He was outside? Phil didn't care. Leaving the door open, he made his way to Technoblade like a sleepy child coming to their parents for comfort after a nightmare. He heard Techno grunt as he smacked into him.

The hybrid turned carefully and wrapped his arms around Phil again. He drew him close, but continued talking with whoever it was standing in the road. Philza nestled into Techno's grasp and let his mind fall back into the darkness of his broken heart.


It was a little awkward standing there, on the porch, holding a very limp Philza, while at the same time trying to keep up a stern conversation with the stranger who'd just shown up at their door. Techno eyed the man...woman...he wasn't sure, with mistrust.

The stranger, golden eyes sparkling, meantime gazed at Philza. "An angel of Death in the flesh. Heh, so it was him, was it? He looks sick enough."

Techno growled. "Watch what you say next, or-"

"Or what?" The stranger interrupted. "There's actually nothing you can threaten me with, surely even you know that. I can say whatever I want and it doesn't matter; your words are empty." The weird smile that curved the corners of their beaked mouth set Technoblade on edge. He couldn't deny that there was something about them...something different...but he didn't know what. Phil shifted in his arms, snuggling further. Techno could feel his shirt becoming damp because Philza was crying again. He glared at the stranger, determined to keep them away from Phil.

"Whatever." He shot back. "Now what? You know how she died and now you know who lost her. You gonna leave?"

The glossy feathers all over the stranger fluffed up a little as they laughed. "And miss this? Not a chance."

How dare they.
Awww Dadza sad. -J_Ra
Protect the angel. -Le

Techno felt the rumble in his chest as his growl deepened. "Miss what?"

"The opportunity!" Crowed the stranger. "How many times do you think I've had the pleasure of messing with an angel? Or his guard dog, for that matter?" They shrugged. "Sure, I won't do it right away. You guys are too limp to give a proper response right now. But I'll be back, and it'll be fun."

Wait-hold on. Mischief? -Th
Mischief Pog?
Not right now! We have Sadza right here! -Mo
There's more to this guy... -Ma
Give us blood, mischief or blood! -Ro

Techno bared his teeth in an irritated snarl. "You touch Philza and I'll skin your fingers one by one."

Jewels glinted in the stranger's wild black hair as they shook their head. "Oh, I won't be cruel. I'm chaotic, not evil. Leave that job to XD. But I will enjoy screwing with the lot of you from time to time. Besides," and the golden-tawny eyes flashed as they spoke, "I have yet to learn why this angel of yours has thirty crows who answer only to him. I own the birds, hybrid. They are my precious ones. To know that a new master has claimed some of them...there had better be a good reason."

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