Gifts for the Minecrafts

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Christmas was an interesting affair. At first, Technoblade found it horribly difficult to decide what to give anybody. What kind of gift does one get for the Lady of Death, or her angel? And he barely knew Kai or Ranboo enough to figure out what in hell they would want. Besides flowers. Kai would always like flowers. But Techno wanted to do something more.

He sat in his room, staring at his partially filled bookshelf, trying to come up with something beyond " f l o w e r s ". The Voices tried to help, but they had something of a one-track mind.

Philza needs a better sword.
Give Kristen a new cooking set!!
Philzablade. Bladeza.
Ranboo needs armor. He a stick boi. -T
Knives for Kai. He's smol. He should use knives.

The hybrid sighed and out his hands to his head, rubbing his temples. For heaven's sake. He'd never done this before but, by the blood he craved, he was going to do it right. It was a few weeks before the official day anyway, so he had some time.

Not enough.
Yeah, get a move on, Techno! -T
All the gifts...they must be perfect.
Wouldn't Kai like gardening tools?
Phil needs a hat.

"A what? Why?" Techno frowned at the shelf.

For summer.
The sun gets real hot. Don't want him to burn.
Would you stop that! We're tryin' to think! -T
What kind of hat we getting him?
Hat pog.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Techno said, waving his hand to dispell the Voices, "when did I agree to this? Why do you want to get him a hat of all things? You guys were talkin' about a sword just seconds ago."

Yeah, but he's got a sword.
Aw, I wanna get him a cooler one!
He needs a hat to match Kristen.
Sunny hat for Sunshine Minecraft.
Not yellow. He's already blond. -T
Green works.
Not just green!

The hybrid sighed again. It didn't look like he was getting much of a choice in this. Besides, the idea of matching hats for Phil and Kristen did sound nice. "Okay fine. We'll find a hat. Somewhere. What about the others?"

He spent a few hours wrangling with the Voices over various gift ideas. In the end, however, he had something of a list of possibilities. However, each of these required a visit to the village where he'd met Ranboo and Kai. Techno was not looking forward to that. "I could just make this stuff." He muttered to the Voices as he paced in his room. "We got the materials. And I know how."

Yesssss make it ourselves.
Aw, we're making precious gifts!
It's gonna take a while though.
Gifts for family let's gooooooo!

With a huff and few calculations, Techno felt ready to start his projects. But he would need space. So he went downstairs to find Philza and Kristen.

He met Ranboo first. The Enderman hybrid was sitting on the stair railing, his fluffy tail over his knees, reading a book. In one hand he was holding a little ball, which he constantly turned and tossed as he read. He looked up as Techno came near, his green and red eyes quickly averting from the piglin hybrid's gaze. "Hey, Technoblade."

"You know where Phil is?" Techno also glanced away down the hall. Endermen did not like eye contact, and it appeared that Ranboo had been given this trait as well.

"Uh..." Ranboo paused to think, "I believe he's with Kristen at the pond right now. Kai's on the roof with the flowers."

Techno nodded. "Alright. Thanks." And he trotted quickly down the stairs, Ranboo's "Sure," trailing after him.

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