The Family grows

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It was a struggle to get up to the house. Kai was exhausted by the time they arrived there, and Techno was panting again. As soon as they were close enough, the hybrid yelled for Philza and Kristen to come out and help. Phil, who was actually on top of the roof, leapt off and glided smoothly to the earth, wrapping the injured boy in Techno's cape and taking him into his arms in a moment. Kristen, a dusty apron still tied around her, held the door open and ushered them all inside. She rapidly cleared off the nearest couch and Phil laid the boy onto it.

Kristen covered her mouth as Philza uncovered the burns that stretched across almost all the boy's skin. "Oh my gosh, what happened to him?"

"Some twisted kids thought it would be fun to pour water on an Enderman hybrid." Techno answered, his growl vibrating through every word.

Something dark flickered in Kristen's eyes as he spoke. Philza knelt quickly by the couch and checked the boy's pulse. His face went pale. "No." He murmured. "No. He's not dying today. Not if I have anything to say about it."

Techno stared. There had been an underlying power in the angel's words he had not felt before. It was as though Philza had grasped some fundamental truth pertaining to the laws of how this world functioned. And now he was ready to wield that truth.

Kristen closed her eyes and held out her hands before her, as though giving something up. Phil bowed his head and reached out, taking his wife's hands in his own. They remained in that singular position for some time. There was no sound, no bright light or shaking earth, just one angel kneeling at the feet of Death, calling back a life not yet ready to end.

Beside Technoblade, Kai stood with open eyes and slack jaw. Techno felt the child's small fingers wrap around his wrist and almost pulled away, but restrained himself. Just let him. Just...just let him. He kept his eyes on Phil, who now lifted his face to gaze upon his wife. "Thank you, darling."

Techno ducked his head, ears laying back again. Something in the gentle vulnerability of Philza's tone touched the hybrid's soul. He wished he could understand how such a man as Philza and such a woman as Kristen could exist in this world and not overwhelm everyone with their genuine love and adoration for each other. Well, it overwhelmed him, at least.

And us.
Yes, we love the Kristen and the Philzaaaa.
The power of the Minecrafts.
They make us believe in love.
Didn't we already?
That was brother love.
So sad. So long ago.

Techno shut his eyes and refused to remember. He'd work some of that pain out later tonight, when no one would be awake to hear him. For now, he was going to focus on the little miracle that was going on before his eyes.

On the couch, the Enderman hybrid's skin started to heal. It slowly spread over him, covering the raw, patchy burns until, at last, it was whole again. Kai's little hand gripped Techno's wrist tightly as he stepped forward a pace towards his friend. "Ranboo?" He looked at Philza, "He's gonna be okay?"

The angel released Kristen's hands and got up. "Yeah, mate, he'll be fine. Just give him a while to sleep first, okay?"

Kai nodded and sat down next to the couch. He did not let go of Technoblade, so the hybrid had to follow and sit with him. Techno sent a look of "help" to Philza. He had no idea how to be here for this child, or even what he wanted from him.

Phil nodded and held up one finger, signalling Techno to wait. Then he disappeared into another room. The hybrid sighed and looked beside him at the small avian boy. Kai was gently stuffing his withered rose blossom into Ranboo's hair. "There you go. If it was fresh, it would look better. But that's all I got. I'm sorry." He hunched his small shoulders and started smoothing Ranboo's black and white hair into place.

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