Our Family is the Best

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Techno, Phil and Kristen sat on their finished porch, watching the sun go down. The house was complete, and since both Techno and Phil had been working on it, the entire thing took about two weeks.

It was bigger than Techno had originally planned, being three stories tall and extending outwards about sixty feet from the tree line, not to mention the basement Philza had dug. It had balconies and outside stairs and a roof one could climb on. The columns supporting the porch were decorated with carved designs, as were the doors. Each carving was different, Phil said to Techno, for each one represented something he'd built in the past. "One day, mate, I want to show you all these. But for now, I'll have to be contented with just giving you hints on the walls."

Phil had also suggested making each room larger than they'd had in their last house so they could accommodate any possible guests in the future. At first, Techno was confused. "Why would we have guests, Phil?"

"Well, I'm not sure about you," the angel said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head, "but now that I've made one friend, I realize how much I've been missing out on. I would like to get to know more people."

People...okay. And Techno shrugged. "If that's what you want, Phil. It's your house."

"Our house." Philza corrected him. "You get a say."

In the end, Techno kept his own room small, but most of the other rooms were broadened and made larger. Especially the room Phil wanted to turn into a library. "There's going to be so many books in here, Technoblade!" Phil laughed and spread his arms and wings out as though to embrace the entire area. "So many books!" Techno looked on and laughed with him, enjoying his friend's happiness.

Kristen added her own touches here and there. For one thing, she installed perches throughout the place. "For my Crows, who will keep you company when I have to go." She told Phil with a kiss, which Techno discreetly looked away from. The kitchen was her biggest contribution, for her husband and Techno decided that this was the room where whatever she said would happen. Accordingly, it was almost the biggest room in the house, besides the library, with plenty of counter space for baking, and an oven, fridge, freezer, cupboards, pantries, and whatever pots and pans Phil and Techno could make out of the iron they mined. Kristen loved it. Everything was in reach and organized according to her tastes.

When they had finished it, the two men watched as their Lady pranced and clapped her hands about the room, praising their labor. And it was all the reward they wanted. But the cakes she immediately set about making for them were well appreciated too.

So now the house was done. Big, homey, emptier than they would have liked, for they were still crafting furniture, and completely all their own. It was done.

And now, here they were, on their porch, watching the sunset. Techno sat on the edge, swinging his legs and holding a warm cup of tea in his hands. His head was bent slightly forward because Phil, who was standing just beside him, was running his fingers through Techno's hair.

The angel hummed under his breath, his wings extended to their full span so as to feel the full effect of the cool breeze. His heart was full of pride for his friend and his wife, both of whom had worked so hard on their parts of the house, and who had been very patient with his own complicated design ideas.

Kristen stood on Phil's other side, her hand on his back, the brim of her large hat just touching his shoulder. She smelled like homemade bread and baked fruit, and she was quietly munching a cookie. A glass of her favorite wine rested on the porch railing.

The family was at peace.

Techno shifted in his place, leaning his head against Phil's leg. The sound of his quiet yawn could just be heard. Kristen grinned. "Tired, Techno?"

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