His name is Wilbur

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Spring arrived in a burst of flowers and greenery. The gardens that had been planted on the roof and around the house began to come to life with sproutlings and little wavering ivy. Rose and Cosmos flowers raised their heads from their winter slumber and the hold of the ice was finally broken on the little stream beside the Minecraft house. Daisies, buttercups, daffodils and bluebells all started growing around the home, bringing promises of color and beauty with them.

The sights and smells of spring brought joy to each heart in the family, though each for their own reasons. For Kai, spring was the greatest of all seasons, when flowers bloomed and trees put forth new leaves. When water laughed as it ran in little streams and the days were not oppressive with heat. It was the season of his mother, of the flowers she had created for him, of the life she had given him. He knelt on the rooftop garden and rejoiced in his heart, caressing a blossom in the golden rose bush Philza had planted up there just for him.

Kristen loved spring. She loved to see the world come to life with a vibrancy she never tired of beholding, and never tired of sharing. She spent most days in a chair on the porch, relaxing and talking with one or another of her family. The child within her was almost ready to make her joy complete.

Ranboo strolled about the gardens with Kai or Technoblade, and soaked up the sun as much as he could. He enjoyed springtime because, for him, it was the most relaxed and peaceful of all the seasons. It was the one time of year when everyone felt like being nice to everyone else, when pain and division were absurd ideas. Ranboo rubbed the scars on his hands, twins to those on Kai's face. Spring was a healing season.

Philza looked up to the sky with longing as the weather improved. This part of the country was blessed with soaring winds in the spring, and all he wanted to do was take off and fly as far as he wanted. But he had people who needed him here. And so he contented himself with short flights from the forest to the village and back.

Technoblade was happy, but in a more solemn way than the others. For him, spring meant release. Freedom. But the recollections that always came with the budding flowers and the playful winds brought a dark sorrow to his heart he could never quite smother. At least they were only recollections, and could be battled in his room when he was alone. In the meantime, he fought and sparred with Philza, losing himself in the rhythm and dance of the blades in their hands. He was free.

As time went by, it became increasingly clear that the baby would arrive soon. Philza flew into the village to locate someone who could assist with this business none of them knew anything about, and Techno began spending more time with Kai and Ranboo to make up for how much Phil and Kristen had to be away, once a doctor, or nurse, or somebody was eventually found. Techno wanted to know as little as possible about it.

So he had very little idea what was going on the day Kristen told Phil she wanted to see the doctor. The day Phil hastily recruited Techno into building a cart with him, which the angel then harnessed one of their horses to. The couple rattled away to the village, leaving Ranboo, Kai and Technoblade standing anxiously in the front yard.

Kai stared down the road, fidgeting with his fingers. Ranboo patted his shoulder. "They'll be fine." He reassured. "Let's go inside. Who wants comfort food?"

Kai nodded. He headed back into the house with Ranboo just behind him. Techno stood in the yard a little longer, his ears flat. Kristen would come back with a child. Presumably. They would be real. A real...


Techno shook his head. "I can't go through that again."

But we chose Kai.
And Ranboo. Don't forget Enderboi. -L
This is a new sibling.
We're getting put back together, guys!
No we're not. -T
Can't come back from most of us dying.
They will be missed. -J_R
But we wanna heal!
Or kill. Blood and fire and rotten bones yes. -T

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