Zone A

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"How you holding up?" I asked Tommy. We were standing against the truck waiting on Murphy and Warren.

"I'm tired. That's all." He said.

Murphy got out of the truck and put his jacket on. He looked back at us before walking away. Warren and Sun Mei were at the front messing with a radio.

"All right everybody, let's go! Wheels up!" Warren yelled.  

"When we get back on the road, I think I should drive and you should rest." I told him. He's been driving this whole time. We both are on the shots now. 

"I got it." He said. His hand cupped my cheek and he pressed his lips against mine. We parted and went to opposite sides.

Further on our trip, 10k starts breathing hard and sharp.

"Tommy, what's wrong?" I asked. He couldn't answer me then he started to gasp and convulse. I grabbed the steering wheel and starting honking to get Warren's attention. I pulled off the road to the side.

"What happened?" Warren said coming to my side.

"He was breathing funny. Then he had a sharp pain and he collapsed." I said trying to help him the best I could.

"His heart's racing. High fever. Given all the chemicals pumped into his bloodstream, this could be anything." Sun Mei said.

"Check his shoulder." I said. We pulled his jacket off and revealed his shoulder. His wound was red and infected.

"Infected. Damn." She said.

"We got to keep moving. How is he?" Warren came back to our side. Sun Mei shook her head. "All right. Karma, you drive. Sun Mei, you stay with him. Hopefully he'll be strong enough to fight once we land. Hang in there, 10K. Let's go." She walked off.


We arrived at a cave Doc was running towards us with a zombie in a grandpa sweater. More zombies in black armor came running towards us. They look like a task force still in formation. We fired our weapons, moving up as we did.

"What the hell did you do that for?!" Doc said when Warren killed the grandpa zombie.

"Thank you, Chief?" She suggested.

"No. Yeah, sure. But no. That was our guy. He was helping us find Lucy. Damnit." Doc said walking to us.

"Same thing as those over there." Sun Mei said.

"You think it's a mutation?" Warren aked.

"No. They're from Zona. I've seen this before, on the sub. Their immunity must be failing." Murphy said.

"That's why they want you so bad." Warren said.

"Lucy. Do you know where she is?" Murphy asked.

"Somewhere inside that mountain." He said.

"And Addy?" Warren asked.

"I dunno. Climbing up the outside." Doc said.

"All right. Take what you can carry. We go in fully loaded. Whatever these Zona freaks have become, Murphy can't control them. And we have to assume Lucy can't either. You stay with 10K. Let's go get your daughter." Warren said. She took Murphy and Sun Mei with her.

"Can somebody..." Doc trailed off. 

"I gotchu" I said. I grabbed his hands and held the out from his body so the connecting chain in his handcuffs was visible. My pistol let out a loud bang and his hands were separated. 

Karma // 10k Fic // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now