South Of The Border

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"This really the border?" 10k asked. 

"Two thousand miles of it. No way around. No way over." Vasquez said. 

"No way back," I said looking through my scope at all the zombies. 

"Here comes the goon squad. Ammo?" Warren asked. 

"Half a clip," Vasquez said. 

"Three," Addy said. 

"Four and three in my pocket," 10k said. 

"Don't look at me," Doc said.

"half clip each," I said. 

"One. Save your ammo. Murphy. Hey, get up!" She ordered. "Hey! If you are the zombie messiah, now's the time for a miracle." She said pulling his body up. 

"You've got to try, man. Remember the mission." Doc urged. He stood up and put his hand out to use his zombie force.

"I can't hold them!" He yelled. An explosion went off and my head looked to it. Ropes were thrown down the walls and people descended them.

"Shit. Zeros" I said to my team. 

"Down here!" Escorpion whistled to us coming from a vent. 

"You said it was time for a miracle," Doc said.

"Hey, do you wanna die?!" Escorpion yelled. 

"Okay, let's go!" Warren said after thinking about it. We went down the vent and climbed down the ladder. It's too dark to see much of anything. The lights came on and Escorpion had two men behind him holding semi-autos. 

"In the name of La Reina De Los Muertos, Queen of the Zeros Cartel, I strongly suggest you lower your weapons." He ordered. 

"Like the Z Weed Zeros?" Murphy asked. 

"That would be us," Hector said. 

"Then I believe you are looking for me. I am The Murphy." Murphy stepped beside Warren and Doc. 

"This man is our prisoner. That CDC bounty is ours. If you try to take him away from us, I will blow his brains out." Warren said aiming a gun at Murphy's head.

"El Murfi isn't worth a damn if he's dead. Now back off!" She yelled. 

"Just want to make sure he's the real Murphy," Hector said. 

"You wanna see the scars?" Murphy asked. 

"I do." 

"Not until you lower your weapons," Warren ordered. 

"Put them down," Hector said to his men. Our group's guns never lowered off the three men. 

"It is true then. If you lower your weapons, you have my word you will be safe. Look. If I wanted you dead, we would have left you out with the zombies. But La Reina is looking for you. She will give you the reward." Hector explained. 

"Remember the mission," Murphy said. Warren nodded and we lowered our guns.

"What is that smell?" Addy asked as we walked down a hallway. 

"The future. We've found out a way to pay for the new world. We no longer have enemies. We have resources." Hector explained. He stood next to a metal barrel and knocked his gun against it. Growling from zombies could be heard from within. 

"So you just leave your resources down here to rot?" Warren asked. 

"We let them compost. Composting creates heat. Heat creates energy." Hector explained. 

Karma // 10k Fic // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now