Hell Disguised as Heaven

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"Whoa, Warren. Slow up here, will ya?" Doc said, looking out the window. There was a zombie laying there with only the top half against a rock. Its arm reached out towards us and I fired between its eyes. Murphy made a comment about how it wasn't a kid anymore and how it's 'Zombie road-kill'.

"Ten o'clock," 10k spoke up lightly hitting the roof of the car. I glanced over that way and saw the young zombie.

"Stop. Warren, stop. It's just a boy. Stop." Addy yelled as Warren was going to keep driving. Addy lifted up her favorite bat and paused. I looked at Mack confused. He climbed up to poke his head out the sunroof and called her name. She suddenly snapped out of it and brought her weapon down to the zombchild's head. Warren got out of the truck and touched her shoulder. Addy jumped and Warren backed off. Addy yelled she was fine and got back into the car. We started driving again. 15 more yards down the road we spotted another child. This time, this one was alive. Warren stopped and got out of the truck. She talked to the little guy before coming over to my window.

"Water" I handed her my bottle and she took it to the kid. I opened my door and stepped out, walking to Warren and the kid.

"What's your name?" Warren asked after introducing herself.

"I'm Sam." He replied. Kinda looks like a Sam. Or maybe a Connor.

"Sam. Does your mom know you're out here all by yourself?" Warren asked. Her voice seemed hesitant.

"I'm going to Salt Lake City to see my dad." He told us, about to walk off.

"That's not a good idea," I warned him.

"Yes, it is. I'm old enough now. I finally get to meet my dad." He told me. I got a weird vibe from him.

"It's too far. It's not safe. Salt Lake City is over 200 miles back that way" I spoke to him, pointing over my shoulder.

"It's not too far. Brennan and Dax are already there." He mentioned other people, probably his brothers.

"Sam. Salt Lake City's been overrun by zombies," Warren explained.

Yeah, right." He scoffed and walked around me, making my eyes follow him. I turned back to Warren giving her a confused look. I shook my head and got back in the car.

"What's going on?" Mack asked. I shook my head.

"Kid doesn't believe there are zombies, he says he's going to see his dad," I told everyone.

Warren let the kid in the car and I looked around. All the seats were taken. Addy was already sitting on Mack's lap.

"Warren, there's no room" Murphy said, disagreeing with her actions. 10k slid back into the vehicle and propped his gun against the door. I laid my gun against the door beside his so the kid could have a little room.

"You can sit here," 10k said to the kid and pulled me onto his lap.

"No!" I protested. "My seat was comfy" I whined looking at 10k. He stuck his tongue out at me. Sam was telling Warren directions to go to his previous camp. They apparently have food. We pulled into a dirt road and there was a gate with barbed wire.

"Mack, you want to check it out?" Warren asked. He got out of the vehicle and walked to the front.

"Get back in the truck!" A woman yelled. Looking up, there were seven women with guns pointed at us. "You're not welcome here!" She repeated when he didn't move.

"Hold on. Hold on. It's okay. We're friendly. We just-" Mack started but she fired the gun she was holding close to Mack's feet making him jump.- My hand flew to my thigh where my pistol was resting. Cassandra grabbed my arm making me pause in any retaliation. The door opened behind him as Mack was saying 'stop'.

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