Hey one question: What the hell

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I was in a trailer and forced to leave my clothing behind. Not happening. Lucky me it's got a coat, now I can keep my blades hidden. "More like bait," Some girl said as I stepped out, it took me longer because I had to transfer my blades and weapons.

"How the hell do I walk?" I asked, walking down the stairs of the trailer. This should be fun. "Look at you. Mother will be so pleased. Supper will be ready soon. Set the table. And set a place of honor for our guest next to Mother." Tobias said. I hope they all burn in hell.

"Where are you Mack?" Addy whispered. I looked around. Addy tapped me, I looked to where she pointed. It's a covered up place. I nodded following her. She was about to go in when I stopped her.

"We don't know what's in there hold on," I said. I bent down and took a blade from my ankle. I nodded to her and she went in, me following.

"I hope we're not eating dog," Addy said. I lifted the tarp and revealed an amputated leg along with a fully attached one. Addy started to scream but covered her mouth with her hand. We walked to the back and there were people hanging from the meat hooks. Real live human beings.

"Oh, God." Addy kept saying she turned around and ran out. I covered my mouth with my hand and walked out. Addy was in Tobias' arms. I almost forgot about my blade. I pushed it up against my arm hiding it from view.

"Supper's ready!" he said like everything was normal. Hell, even I was freaked out.

We were sitting at the table with their Moma after that incident. "I know you think we're monsters." Tobias started. "We all did too at first. But hunger has a way of changing one's mind. Morality is stripped away. And all that remains is survival. I know, this takes some getting used to. Perhaps this will make it more palatable." He continued holding a taser. Addy started crying. I just sat there shocked and afraid.

"Please, Little Flower. You must be starving. Just a bite to keep your strength. I made it special for you." He said looking at her. Poor thing she was breathing heavily. I felt sick to my stomach and before I knew it I turned and threw up on the floor.

"Now you've upset Mama. I know this is a big adjustment. But in times like these, it's eat or be eaten. So please. Mama likes you. Make her happy." He continued.

"Just stop okay, haven't you seen she has had enough. Let us go and we'll find your sunshine and bring her here deal?" I said, talking like he was a child. He walked over to me. Bent down and backhanded me so hard my chair fell over. That's gonna be a nice bruise.

"Guess I deserved that," I said getting up.

"What, it was worth a shot," I told addy after she was giving me a look.

"Fresh meat. You two, get this meat back in the kitchen. Then get in position." He started before walking away with addy. Another guy came to attack me. He tased me and held it to my neck forcing me to walk out to the open.

"That won't be necessary," Tobias said.

"Garnett" Addy yelled.

"Apparently you've been talking to my little Sunshine," Tobias said with a hateful expression.

"Garnett, get me out of here. These people are insane." Addy yelled

"Say that again and I will eat your heart." Tobias pressed the knife around Addy's neck, closer. "Apparently we both have something the other wants. Perhaps we can make a deal. Give me back my Sunshine, and you can have your precious girls." He continued.

"Nah, I'm not gonna negotiate with a cannibal. You're gonna give me Addy and Karma. We're gonna walk away. And you can eat anybody you want." Garnett said.

"You know the first rule of negotiation is the person who wants it least wins," Tobias said scarily calm.

"If you harm her, we'll kill every one of you," Garnett said lifting his hand to snap his fingers.

"Kill away. Frankly, I've had about all the zombie apocalypse I can take. But of course, you and the girl will be the first to die." He said, still holding Addy. Garnett put his hand down and looked at me. "That's what I thought," Tobias said. "Do you know the second rule of negotiation? The guy with the 50 caliber machine gun wins." He said and suddenly shots started to ring out.

Cassandra came out of nowhere and started negotiating herself for us. They let Addy go but kept me. Cassandra and Addy said their goodbyes.

"Fuck this" I dropped my knife to my hand before spinning around and slicing the guy's throat. I stabbed the one with the gun before moving to Tobias. I sliced his cheek making him let go of Cassandra she ran to the fence opening it up more. Tobias had his knife out ready to fight. He went for a jab but I caught his wrist and broke it against my leg like a twig, and cut his face again. I heard a gunshot and my arm had major pain. Shit. I fell to the ground as the bullet went through. Tobias got on top of me trying to kill me.

I grabbed his arm, squeezing his wrist to make him hurt, spinning him on the ground and tried to take the knife away. My hand slipped and the knife went right through my stomach, satisfied Tobias pushed my body over and ran away. I laid there limp being exhausted from not eating and the fight. Garnett picked me up and carried me to the group. He was a mess. He laid me down in the bed of the truck.

"Yo garnett we got to go, new puppies and kittens," Mack said helping him in the truck. Doc got in the back and that's the last thing I saw before blacking out.

I stirred awake not moving due to pain. "Well, they're not dead. They want something." Someone said.

"Yeah. Brains." Doc said

"You can't want something if you're not conscious, if you don't have a soul," Cassandra said

"When my pa was wounded, he told me to tie him up before he turned. Made me promise to show him mercy when he died. Kill the brain, you know? I couldn't do it. I couldn't hurt my pa, no matter what he'd become. I stared into his eyes for the longest time, just looking for some sign he was still in there" 10 said.

"Did you see anything?" Cass asked. He shook his head.

"What did you do?" Doc asked.

"I killed it." He said trying to be strong.

"Damn, kid. You had to put down your own dad?" Doc said.

"Didn't kill him. Killed it." He said. I could feel him tense, wonder why. His hand went down to his lap and started to play with my hair. Maybe that's why, cause my head is in his lap.

Karma // 10k Fic // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now