
757 14 1

10k POV

"What are you? Our guardian angel?" Doc asked the sister.

"Just someone who hates seeing innocent people mistreated." She said.

"I don't know how we can ever thank you," I said once she cut us down.

"I need your help." She said.

"Name it. Our people at the casino are just as stubborn as Red Hawk. They won't believe me if I tell them what's coming. But they might believe you." She said.

"Well, I'm in," Doc said riding a horse.

"Since when do you know how to ride a horse?" I asked.

"I don't. This is my first time. I got some friends telling me what to do. I'll lead." He said moving forwards.

"You'll have to carry her, she's still unconscious." She told me. I nodded and she took Karma from my arms. Once I was on, She leaned Karma against the horse and I bent down and picked her up. I threw one of her legs to my left and pulled her body into me, my arms wrapped around her waist and her head rested into my neck, her breathing giving me slight chills. Once we were all on the horse we rode to the casino.


"Dad!" She yelled sliding off the horse.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were with your brother." He said.

"We came to warn you." She said.

"I'm well aware of the Derecho. We've withstood many of these storms before." He said.

"Brother, you got a 10.0 zombie-quake headed your way," Doc added.

"Dad, you should listen to them." She said.

"Quick. Let's go inside." He said. I slid off the horse with Karma in my arms. My left hand was on her back and my right was under her thigh, keeping her body lifted.

"Hey! Doc! 10K! You guys!" Addy yelled excited.

"Well thank God for small favors. Get over here!" Doc said to her.

"10k, what happened?" Warren gestured to the girl in my arms.

"She just passed out, too much blood rushed to her head. She should be good soon" I spoke.

"You made it. Right on." Doc celebrated. Warren went back to telling Citizen Z how to fire the weapon. We were all surrounding the radio. Static could be heard and then it calmed down.

"Zombie down. Repeat. Zombie down." He said. We all let out cheers of happiness.

"Time to go," Warren said.

"Got that right." Vasquez agreed.

"They're coming. I can feel it." Murphy said.

"Please, come with us," Warren asked.

"The cliffs are no safer than here." The father said.

"If we leave now, at least we stand a chance. If you stay-" Vasquez trailed off.

"Dad, you can still make it to the sacred cliffs," Ayalla said.

"Delta X-ray Delta. This is Citizen Z. Do you copy? If you haven't found cover, then do so now. The first of the fast zombies should be reaching you any minute." He warned.

"Guys. Guys." Someone yelled while pointing out the window.

"Everything we've worked for, it's over. Everyone, it's time for us to go." Firecloud said.

We all left the building and got into our vehicles.

"We need to hurry. They will kill all of you." Murphy warned.

"It's time for you to lead us out of here," Ayalla said.

"I'm not coming," Firecloud said.

"What do you mean? You can't stay here." She said.

"This is my life here. Your mother and I built this place with our bare hands. Her spirit rests here. This place is sacred too. It is stronger than a million zombies!" He yelled.

"What if it's not?" Doc asked.

"Then I go down with the ship." He said.

"Please don't do this." his daughter begged.

"Everyone. It is time for you to go. It has been an honor to serve as your tribal Chief. In my absence, listen to my daughter. She has known you all of her life. And she holds a wisdom that is beyond her years. My girl, this is your time. I love you. From your mother. We love you." He said. "Now go." He urged.

"We're going to the sacred cliffs. We'll take the vehicles as far as we can take them, then go on foot the rest of the way. Everyone stay together." She ordered.

"Ayalla! You're safe." The medicine woman said. "What happened?" She asked but Ayalla pushed past her.

"Hello," Warren said.

"Welcome." The lady said. We walked up to the two siblings hugging.

"You are welcome here. All of you." Red Hawk said, turning his head to me and Doc. "We should be safe here. We blocked the only narrow passage in. And zombies can't climb." He said walking up to us. "I'm sorry."

"It's cool, brother. In the end, all is forgiven." Doc said.

"I'm sorry, man." He said to me. I nodded to him. A groan came from my arms. Karma's eyes fluttered open and she looked at me.

"Good. She's up. We need your warrior" Red Hawk said. I dropped Karma's legs so she could stand on her own. When she caught her balance she slightly pulled away from me.

"Hey! You think zombies are as dumb as buffalo?" Doc asked. Our group and the leaders of their tribe went to spread a line of fire to defer the zombies like buffalo. We grabbed sticks that were lit on fire and we lit the ground in a line blocking off the entrance to the camp. The zombies kept getting closer to the fire.

"I have to save them!" Murphy yelled rushing forwards. Warren and Vasquez chased after him.

"Murphy, no!" Warren yelled.

"Turn around!" Murphy yelled with his arms up.

"What's he doing?" Vasquez yelled.

"Trying to save his tribe."

"Turn around!" Murphy screamed.

"Murphy," Vasquez said. They grabbed his body as he fell to the ground.

"No, you don't understand! They can feel! They can feel! I have to save them! I have to save them!" He yelled.

"No, Murphy! There's way too many!" Warren yelled.

"What the hell are you doing?! There's too many!" Murphy yelled.

"Look, they're turning!" Red Hawk yelled. The zombies followed the fire line and they fell down into the canyon.

"Let's get to higher ground!" Ayalla said. We all stood on a hill and looked at the fire and zombies in front of us. I wrapped my arm around Karma and held her close as we watched the scene in front of us like a movie.


"On this day, in generations to come, our people will remember you of the Z Nation, who fought with us here today. They will know who you are and what you did. Thank you." The leader spoke.

We said our goodbyes and headed to the van they were letting us take. Murphy was in there sulking and Warren went to comfort him.

"So, girlfriend?" Karma's voice entered my head. I looked over at her.

"Yea, If you want to be," I said walking to her and away from the others.

"I'd like that." She said.

"Me too," I said, wrapping her into a tight hug.

"Let's saddle up," Warren said sticking her head out the door.

Karma // 10k Fic // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now