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"Why are we stopping here?"10k asked as we all got out of the armored truck. Murphy walked to the edge of the rocks and looked out over the city. It was beautiful. There was a waterfall that flowed freely. The rushing water going under the bridge and continuing its journey. 

"To take in the view. There it is. Home of the 1974 World's Fair. You ever hear of the Lilac City, kid?" Murphy asked but 10k remained silent. "Course you haven't. You grew up in a cave. Take it in. You got nature right here. It's perfect. Our new home. Spokane!" Murphy said dramatically. 10k looked over to Dr. Merch. Her bitemark on her cheek was slowly healing. 10k's fingertips brushed over his cheek trying to see if he had a bite as well. We walked down and stood on the bridge and listened to the water rush below us. 

"Magnificent. Unapologetically powerful. Just like I remember." Murphy slightly shouted so we could hear him. 

"What are we doing here?"10k asked. He was a little mad and was getting annoyed very quickly. 

"Oh ye of little imagination. This is where it all begins. Where the new world order, my world order, stakes its claim." Murphy explained. 

"You're insane." 10k spat. 

"The definition of insanity is doing the same exact thing over and over and expecting a different result," Murphy explained making 10k glance down at me. "Look at me. We've been doing the same thing for two years. It ain't working. Time for something completely different. You will see the wisdom of my actions. And thank me." He continued. Zombies started walking over to us. my hand twitched above my gun.

"Relax. They won't hurt you. You're with me now." Murphy explained looking at 10k. 

"I'm not with you. I'll never be with you." 10k said harshly. 

"And yet, here you are. Cover your girlfriend so she doesn't get bitten. We need to start setting up a lab and working on the blend vaccine right away." Murphy switched his attention to Dr. Merch. 10k pushed my body in front of him and towered over me with his hands on either side of my waist. "But first, we need a base of operations. My castle. My lair. My fortress of solitude. Come along. We're wasting precious time." Murphy said. 

Dr. Merch and Murphy left while 10k had me trapped still. His gaze went behind me and onto the water. My arms wrapped around him and he leaned into me. His arms went around me and he rested his head on mine. "I'm sorry" he whispered against my hair.

"it's ok" I whispered back.

"I don't know what is happening to me" His voice trembled. 

"We'll figure it out. I'm here for you" I said.

"Let's go lovebirds," Murphy said with his hand on 10k's shoulder.


"Wait just a minute. I remember this. The Museum of Progress. Expo 74. Wait till you see. There's all kinds of cool futuristic stuff that we can use" Murphy said happily running up the steps and through the doors. "What happened here?" He asked, his voice saddened. 

"Looters," 10k explained. 

"Well, that's progress for you." Murphy sarcastically replied. We walked through the main room and up the stairs. "Promising," Murphy commented at the big open mostly empty room. 

"Looters really stripped this place clean," 10k said. 

"They use every part of the buffalo. But hey, it saves us having to clear out the old future to make room for the future. Dead body here and there. But otherwise, not bad. Place has good bones. Plenty of room to expand." Murphy said before walking to an empty room. The room was decorated with bare walls and empty green lockers. There were chalkboards up on the walls and an empty surgical chair in the center of the plain room.

Karma // 10k Fic // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now