Jealous Or Overzealous

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"Anybody else worried about Mr. Sunshine out there?" Doc asked looking at Murphy using the bathroom in the field. All of us were crowded around the back of the pickup.

"I know. He's looking worse." Charlie commented.

"Yeah, he was pretty creepy to start with," Warren added her thoughts.

"Come on, guys. Give him a break. It's the Apocalypse. None of us look our best. It's like one long bad hair day." Addy vouched for him.

"Speaking of hair, what's with all the bald patches?" Mack asked. I was thinking the same thing.

"Maybe that vaccine is like zombie chemo." Cassandra thought out loud. Possibly.

"Or maybe that vaccine isn't working," 10k said harshly. What did Murphy do to him?

"What do you think, Doc?" Charlie asked

"I've seen Zs look better than him," he answered.

"Will he make it to California?" Garnett asked again. That's a heavy question. What if we're doing this all for nothing. With that, I settled back into the truck bed next to 10k. We struck up another conversation talking about nothing of importance, just talking to talk.

"Man, I sure could use some of them Kansas City barbecue ribs about now," Doc said while getting into the truck.

"How bout you, darlin'. You're a big rib eater, aren't you?" Murphy said bringing up Cassandra's past.

"You know I was almost starting to feel sorry for you." She said standing up for herself.

"Rookie move" I mumbled, making 10k smile. I laughed and nudged his arm. I laid down on Mack's lap and he let out a small laugh before ruffling my hair. I've taken him to be a brother type figure during our time together. Addy is like a sister. Warren and Charlie are like my parents, Charlie actually being my dad. Doc is like my crazy uncle. A couple of hours later and we reached Province town. The sign said weapon-free zone. Oh no. I quickly took two blades off my back and hid them on my arms underneath my jacket sleeves. I don't trust anyone without a weapon. Prepare to surrender all weapons before entry. Ha. Good luck guys.

"Surrender all weapons? Are they serious?" 10k spoke out before looking down at me. I shrugged my shoulders looking back up at him.

"Looks like," Mack responded. I got off of him and scooted closer to the cabin.

"Stop right there! This is a private compound. I'm gonna have to ask you to turn around and go back the way you came." Some lady with a weapon yelled. There were two guys behind her also with guns. Charlie got out of the cabin with his hands up.

"Dad," I said, grabbing his attention. He just looked at me before continuing.

"Hey, he'll be alright," Mack said taking my hand off my pistol. I hadn't even noticed I reached for it.

"I'm looking for Major Wiliams. Joe Williams." He spoke to her.

"And who are you?" She asked. I scoffed.

"I'm Sergeant Charles Garnett, Georgia National Guard. We've known each other going back pre-z." Dad said to her.

"Wait there. Your crew stays in the truck. They try to get out or we see a weapon, we'll fire." she said mostly to us. Charlie nodded his head. Mack grabbed my right arm and turned me around. Addy grabbed my left and together they sat me against the truck's window next to 10k.

"Sit," Mack said pointing his finger at me.

"Stay" Addy did the same.

"I wasn't gonna-" I said looking at Mack. "I wouldn't do-" I looked at addy. Their faces unimpressed. "Fine. I'll play nice." For now...

Karma // 10k Fic // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now