Separated For The Third Time

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"The Mississippi sure ain't as mighty as it used to be," Doc said. 

"We'll move faster on river than on foot. We can take this south to Memphis and then head west." Warren said. 

"Can't we find another one?" asked Doc. 

"No," Warren said. We walked towards the boat and 10k dropped my hand. We fought the zombies that walked on the small boat. Warren took off a tarp from the ground.

"Whoa, whoa. Easy! I don't want any trouble." The man on the ground said. 

"What are you doing here?" Vasquez asked. 

"It's my boat." He said looking at us crazy. 

"Makes sense," Addy said. 

"It's ours now," Vasquez said and held up his assault rifle.  

"What the hell? Now, wait a minute. I don't like this deal. Can we negotiate? Hey, listen. Listen, this boat ain't easy to operate. Well plus, I know the river. The channel patterns. I'd make a great asset." The man tried to get us to rethink. 10k grabbed my hand again and gave a light squeeze which I returned. 

"Forget it. You talk too much." Vasquez said. Dang who pissed in his cereal. 

"No, no, no, no, no, no, listen. I can keep quiet. You won't hear a peep." The man said hiding behind the driver seat. 

"Can you take us south to Memphis?" Warren asked. 

"Well hell yes. Let's go. I'll take you to the Gortner Bridge, just north of the city. Roadblock on the East side keeps things pretty quiet. After that, where you headed? East, West?" The man asked. He made me smile, not many people would wanna have a conversation these days. 

"Shut up." Vasquez barked. 

"Sure thing. Nothing worse than a blabbermouth that won't shut up. It's kinda like back in the before. I had this brother in law-" He got cut off. 

"Does this thing actually run?" Addy asked. 

"I swear it ran as soon as yesterday." The man said. 

"10K, check the motor," Warren said. His hand slipped from mine and he lifted the motor. 

"Oh thank you, young man. Yeah, I got a stinger in my neck. A lot of weakness in my upper extremities." The man said. Addy took her bat and mercied the z that was stuck on the blades. We were off. Everyone sat down in the seats on the side. The right consisted of Murphy, Warren, and the driver. The rest of us were on the left. Doc was shuffling cards, and he handed them to 10k and stood up.

"Hey, I think I know those dudes," Doc said. 

"Oh my god," Addy exclaimed. 

"Is that Sketchy and Skeezy," Warren asked. 

"Slow down, man," Doc told the driver. 

"Slowing down." He said. 

"Hey, we're not slowing down," Vasquez said. 

"Yeah. For once I agree with him." Murphy said, pointing at the newest addition to our group. 

"Aye aye, sir." The driver said. 

"Do what I tell you and slow down. Those are my friends." Doc said. 

"Well is that really necessary?" The driver asked when Vasquez put a gun to his head. 

"Let's check it out." Warren sid. 

"Mistake," Vasquez said. 

"Never get off the boat," Murphy said. 

Karma // 10k Fic // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now