The Past is Haunting

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"You ok there?" I asked but didn't get a response he just kept staring off. I let him have his moment and slipped my hand into his. This action caused him to look down at me and he gave me a small smile. I didn't move my hand and let him know silently that I was there for him.

We pulled into a quiet neighborhood and stopped at an empty house. Addy and Macky were outside playing around, 10k was sitting in a chair reading a metropolitan magazine, cass was sleeping on the couch, Doc and Murphy were playing cards, and Warren and Garnett were in the kitchen. I got up off the floor where I knelt cleaning my blades and told nobody in particular that I was going to go take a shower and then go to bed. I opened one door but there were dead zombies on the bed. I went to the next open room and laid down after my shower. I curled into the pillow and shut my eyes.


Two men rushed me around the corner and I leaned against the wall pushing my body off and into the air, landing on the other side throwing punches and fighting one while the other was getting behind me, he grabbed my arms and I used his buddy to push myself up and over him, and took my blades out and went to stab him. The lights cut on and everything went white.

"Nikkole Alvarez, report to mission control. Assignment number 847. America." Why am I going to America? I left the training room and headed there. I was handed a debriefing folder and I sat down at the conference table.

"The NSA branch has requested our highly intelligent operatives to be in a covert mission called Operation Bite Mark. You'll be returning to America in New York to meet up with Lieutenant Hammond. There you will be extracting a package to California. The world will be in your hands after that." My mentor debriefed me.

"No pressure. Piece of cake." I said sarcastically. He wasn't amused.

"You work well under pressure and there is nothing more for us to teach you. You're going home to join your father. Be glad. Most of us here don't ever get that." He responded before leaving. I left the area and went to my small room packing up all my clothes and things before heading out to the bay. I got into a plane and was taken back to America. Time to go see Charlie Garnett. 

End of Flashback

"Karma, wake up we gotta go," Someone said while slightly shaking me awake.

"No, five more minutes," I said rolling over. I heard shuffling then I was no longer under the warmth of the blankets and I was being moved around. I opened my eyes to see 10k carrying me and both our guns strapped to his back. He laid me down in the back of the truck and climbed in as well. We kept driving until the car broke down and we pulled off the side of the road. The storm started picking up more and Citizen Z kept warning us about a tornado. I believe it with this weather. Murphy yelled at Warren and she returned to the truck. We drove off after that, leaving the other car behind. We stopped at a split in the road and went to take the left way but there was a tornado about to touch down so we went the other way when Warren backed up and continued driving.

Welcome to Castle Point

Warren's hometown. We all waited at the truck while Warren and Garnett got out. She's having memories flood back to her after years of being gone. Honestly, I don't blame her. We started talking about the weather and how green the sky looked. Soon we pulled up to her house and we all got out. We all huddled around Warren and Mack, while still keeping a lookout for zombies. Warren reached above her head on the mantel and grabbed a key. She reached out her hand to stop Mack from banging his shoulder into the door to break it open. We all walked inside, looking around for zombies and admiring Warren's home. I smiled at the pictures on the walls of her and her husband. Addy and Mack cleared upstairs and Warren yelled at Murphy for sitting in her husband's favorite chair. 

Karma // 10k Fic // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now