Future Forward

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2 years later.

"10K, it's Doc!" 

"Doc! What the hell? I could've killed you!" 

"This way!" I yelled, pulling them both off the ground. Zombies were approaching. We came back to our tent in the trees. 

"Sorry about that, Doc." 10k said.

"That's okay, kid. It's gonna take more than a headbutt to bring this ole Billy Goat down. You know, I've never been tree camping. Pretty nice little set up you got here." Doc commented.

"Thanks. We call it home." Tommy said.

 "Hold still. I don't want to get the z-weed sap in your eye." I said trying to aid Doc's eye.

"Yeah, can I get a little bit of that? A little squeeze? Yeah, just one more. Mmm hmm Thank you, darlin'. Sure is good to see you both. How long has it been? About a year?" Doc asked.

"Almost two." I said.

"Time flies when you're killing Zs." Doc said.

"So what brings you out here?" 10k asked.

"Well actually, I've been looking for you two." Doc said.

"This is about some mission to find Murphy?" Tommy asked.

"Oh, no, no, no, hell no." Doc chimed.

"That bite still hurts." 10k groaned.

"Let him finish." I said.

"I'm here to talk to you about Newmerica." Doc stated.

"Are you selling something?" 10k asked.

"What? No." Doc shrugged.

"Some kinda religion thing?" I asked.

"Have we just met? No. I'm not selling insurance, and I'm not thumping the good book. Newmerica is a place. It's a safe zone in Northern Canada where it's too cold for the Zs." Doc informed.

"Karma and I have it pretty good here." 10k said tapping my thigh.

"Well I see that. But for how long? I mean you saw those Zs after me. Something has got them on the war path." Doc said.

"There's been so many rumors and false hopes. It's hard to believe anything." I said.

"I know. But something about this feels right. The US Government is involved." Doc said.

"The government? I thought the last of the government collapsed after the nukes." Tommy said.

"Well apparently there's a few feds left. There's some scattered platoons of Marines, and they're trying to get everybody to Newmerica before the new snowfall." Doc explained.

"How are we supposed to get to Northern Canada?" I asked. 

"They set up a refugee camp for the survivors that want to go. A convoy of trucks is gonna pick them up." Doc said.

"I dunno. This is a good spot. It's defensible. Fresh water. Fish. Didn't see another human until you." 10k said.

"But there's been more Zs lately." I said.

"I tell you, these Marines mean business. They set up this camp with medical supplies and communication. A year from now, there's not gonna be much in the way of humans left. You guys, I I just don't know if we're gonna get another chance like this." Doc said rubbing his very long beard. "You got any scissors?" He asked. 

I laughed and got up from my spot next to 10k and grabbed some scissors.


"Yo, Doc! Doctor Mei Mei!" Doc called when we entered the camp.

Karma // 10k Fic // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now