Zombie. Baby. Zombaby

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"All right folks, time to go. There's no room at this inn. Ah, sorry for your trouble." Warren said.

"Everyone has trouble these days." The man said.

"Ain't that the truth," Warren said. 10k stumbled and I reached out to catch him.

"Karma don't!" Warren yelled but it was too late. I caught his body and staggered back at the new weight on me.

"or just fall on me, that works too" I mumbled. "Warren, he's burning up," I said to her as I felt his warm skin.

"He has it. This disease. Milzbrand Krankheit." The leader said. Now that was German. Anthrax disease.

"We got to get him out of here," Doc said.

"And take him where?" Warren asked.

"I dunno. Someplace without anthrax or anthrax zombies or anthrax sheep." Doc panicked.

"What he needs is antibiotics. You got any of those?" Vasquez said. Doc left to go look in his bag and Serena's water broke. One of the men standing beside the leader came to help me take 10k to their sick shed. His face where the powder was on already started to blister. 10k was laid down onto a cot. I pulled up a stool and sat next to him. My hand took off his goggles and sat them next to him. My hand rubbed his hair and pushed the wet strands off his burning forehead. Everyone but Doc left to go do whatever.

"Oh, 10k" I whispered as he looked up at me. He had such fear in his eyes.

"I don't want to die" His voice came out hoarse and quiet.

"I won't let that happen 10" I said.

"Tommy" He whispered.

"What?" I asked my hand still in his hair.

"My name." he said. I reached over and grabbed the mason jar with water in it. I pursed my lips together.

"Nikkole" I said after he took a sip.

"That's a pretty name. It suits you" He said. I smiled and looked down. I grabbed a wet cloth and dabbed his wounds.

"You're burning up" I said to him. He just nodded too weak to reply.

"If I don't make it, you get my gun" He said.

"Shh, don't talk like that. You'll make it out." I hushed him.

"I think you're not as dark as you want people to believe," He said, grabbing my hand. This stopped my actions cleaning his face and made me look at him. My eyes floated down to our hands.

I like how my hand fits in yours.

"Me too" My eyes snapped to his. He smiled at my shocked face. "Yeah, you said that out loud." I blushed and looked down. 10k coughed and turned to his side blood dripping from his lips. I wiped his face and then what I could off the pillow. I tossed the rag to the side.

"You're gonna be ok Tommy. You'll be ok" I whispered. I was consoling myself more than him at this point. 10k is my best friend. I don't wanna lose him. Warren and Vasquez came in the door with their guns raised.

"All right. Bruda. Sestre. I thought you might come. It is the medicine you want?" Their leader said, stepping away from the medicine cabinet.

"It's just, We got to keep going. Our team, we got to get to California. And our man Murphy, he's immune. There's a lab. To make a vaccine. Medicine. Medicine that will help a lot of people. Save a lot of people." Warren said. She then advanced forward walking to the cabinet.

"We believe that peace is will of God. We follow the way of peace, justice, unity. We practice not to resist. Even through violence. Even through war. Our suffering comes from resisting what is. God has called us to seek justice and to make peace. To love our enemies. And to never seek revenge." The man said.

"I am sorry. Forgive me." Warren said.

"Grace to you, and peace." The man said. Vasquez took 10k's body and slung him over his shoulder. I grabbed his goggles and turned to the man who helped us.

"Alles Gute. Es tut mir Leid" I said then followed them out. Take care. I'm sorry. He nodded and I turned to follow them outside.

"I'd feel a whole lot better if they at least tried to kill us," Vasquez said.

"Only in a messed up apocalypse was that the right thing to do," Warren said sadly. Vasquez laid 10k down next to Addy in the barn where Serena was having her baby. Warren handed me the pill bottle and I gave two to both Addy and Tommy. They took the pills and soon 10k was passed out. Addy went to sleep shortly after. I climbed onto the hay and sat down, putting Tommy's head in my lap.

3rd Person POV

Karma played with 10k's hair whenever he stirred. She leaned her head against the piled up hay. Her eyes closed and she slowly fell asleep as well. Her hand never left 10k's hair. Chaos broke out but the three never woke up. Addy and 10k being sick and Karma was so exhausted from the days previous and her injuries. The rest of the group attacked the zombies that approached and tried to get the new baby addition. Vasquez woke up Karma. The two of them carrying 10k and Addy back to the truck. Serena tried her hardest to fight off the zombies. Ultimately she turned when there were just too many. Warren ended up giving her Mercy. Doc, Murphy, and Warren were the last to return to the truck. Now the group's number is back to seven.

10k was still asleep in the back of the truck but Addy woke up. she's doing much better. Vasquez and Doc were outside the truck leaning over the tailgate. Karma was asleep next to 10k.

"All right, come on. Hey. Hey, kid." Addy said tapping the boy next to her. "There he is." She said.

"Hey. Where's... did she have the baby?" He asked when he looked around.

"Yeah. Murphy's having a moment with her." Vasquez said.

"And speaking of babies Present for you," Addy said handing 10k a box.

"Billy Boy brand condoms." 10k read off the label.

"Girl's still out there. You are not gonna die a virgin. I promise. But when it happens, don't be stupid." Addy said.

"Yeah. Like that guy. I mean how did that happen anyway?" Vasquez asked.

"Oh, man. You got to understand. There was pie." Doc said.

"Hey maybe you and Karma will finally be a thing," Addy said to 10k. He just looked down at the girl sleeping next to him.

"Yea, maybe." He whispered. He thought nobody heard him but Addy did.

Karma // 10k Fic // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now