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"Blah, blah, blah. The Apocalypse is one giant human trial. The future is here. My people need that vaccine now." Murphy yelled pushing past me as I walked into Dr. Merch's lab. She looked at me and I gave her a short nod. She shoved the vaccine into 10k's neck and he fell to the floor foaming at the mouth. Instantly I was at his side cradling his head. 

"Thank you," I said to her. 

"This needed to be done. Although I make no promises I'm trying my best" She said.

After a while, 10k's eyes started to open as he looked around the room.

"Hey. How are you doing? Can you sit up?" She asked him.

"Come on," I said grabbing his arm and helping him sit up. 

"What happened? You stabbed me." He said to her. I laughed at how cute he was. 

"You were under Murphy's control. The bite on your neck." She explained. 

"What?" He asked confused. 

"I gave you a dose of the original HZN1 vaccine. It counters his bite and frees us from Murphy's control. I've been taking it too. I need your help. Murphy wants to save humanity by turning them into human-zombie blends." She explained grabbing her stuff. I helped 10k get off the ground. I just now noticed he changed into a black jumpsuit. I shook the thought from my head when he spoke. 

"What are we gonna do?" He asked. 

"We need to destroy the vaccine. These injectors are our boosters. Without them, we will slowly slip back under his control." She explained. 

"When do we take them next?" He asked taking the bag from her hands. 

"You'll know when. Just don't wait too long. And be careful. We're immune to Murphy's control, but not to the zombies anymore. And the Zs know it. Go get a vehicle. I will meet you out front after I destroy the batch." She ordered. 

"Where are we going?" 10k asked making her stop. 

"I don't know. Away from Murphy. Okay." She nodded when we agreed. She and 10k left the room and I wandered the halls

"I need that vaccine now!" Murphy's voice rang from above me. A guard walked a zombie to the moat. I met up with 10k to discuss our plan. 

The plan was that 10k and I would take our stuff to the truck next to the building and I would walk the closest to the fence because Murphy hadn't bitten me yet. It would make us less suspicious. Grab Dr. Merch and then get the hell out of there.

"I'm all loaded up. Let's get your stuff, and let's go. Dr. Merch?" 10k said when we walked back into the room that was used as her lab. 

"Dr. Merch?" I asked. 

"I'm sorry. You looking for these? Sorry, but these are for me. But you do look like you could use a little Murphy booster to keep you in line. Don't worry. I don't have to bite you again. You can be the first to try the new blend vaccine." Murphy said backing us against the wall. "Now, now. We don't take what isn't ours. I'm trying to help you, Goddammit. What's the matter? You're not one of those anti-vaxxers, are you? Maybe I'll bite your girlfriend instead." He shouted. My back pressed against the wall and I let out a whimper. 10k's arms wrapped around me and we fell out of the window and three stories down into the back of the truck. I coughed as my back hit the hard surface of the truck.

I groaned and tried to sit up. I let out a stifled grunt of pain. There was someone in the truck sitting in the cab. We rolled out of the bed and took off dodging people that ran after us. Adrenaline kept us going as much as it could until the pain would distract us. We got caught by the guard Murphy still had but the two of us took care of him and we kept going. We threw our bodies onto the chain fence and climbed it dropping to our feet on the other side. We ran up to the ledge and looked down. The sound of the fence pulled us out of our thoughts.

"I don't blame you, kids. But Murphy cares about you. And he only wants to help. It's time to come home." The father from the family that first came to us said. 

"Three" I whispered.

"Two" He whispered

"One" We both turned around and we sprinted to the ledge leaping to the other rooftop. 10k landed gracefully on his feet and I rolled getting back onto my feet. Then, we took off again. We ran all the way back to the bridge we crossed on our first visit here. There were zombies on one side and Murphy's blends on the other side. We were trapped.

"Tommy" I whispered scared of what was going to happen to us.

"I love you," He said making me look at him. I weakly smiled at him the concern and worry still apparent on my face.

"I love you too," I said. 

"Do you trust me" He asked.

"Always" I responded. He nodded and climbed the rail. I did too. As we fell he grabbed my hand and we dove into the cold rushing water below us. My head resurfaced and I gasped for air. I no longer felt 10k's hand on mine. As I breached the surface I looked for him. I never saw him. Fighting against the current I felt my body tumble down the falls and into the water below me. 

Karma // 10k Fic // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now