No More Aliens

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"How in the hell?" Doc exclaimed when Bernadette was gone and by the door ten feet away. "All right. I'm a little freaked out." Doc said. Warren put her hand out and we followed her into the dark door.

"All right, what now?" Warren asked.

"We wait." She said. Doc went to grab supplies out of the vending machine in the room with us and the door slammed behind me making me jump. 10k pulled my hand and brought us to a couch.

"That's weird," Addy said. she lifted a metal bowl and when she let go it snapped back to the table.

"Is that magnetic?" Vasquez asked.

"Try the gum." Bernadette persisted. I looked at warren and she had the same face I did. Something is wrong. Before Warren could stop him Doc pulled the lever. The room started shaking and I grabbed 10k's hand.

"Earthquake!" Murphy yelled.

"No, it's an elevator! Look!" Warren yelled. "You knew this was gonna happen!" She yelled at Bernadette.

"You wanted to come along!" Bernadette yelled to her.

"How come she has a seatbelt?!" Murphy yelled. The lights went out. Everyone yelled as their bodies hit the ground and various objects on the walls. I groaned as my back hit a shelf. I fell to the floor next to someone else.

"10k" I yelled

"I'm here" He yelled back finding my hand. He held my body and took most of the jolts and falls. A ding let us know that we reached the end. The lights came back on. 10k looked me over for injuries. When he was content that I had none he helped me up.

"What the hell kind of acid trip fun house elevator ride was that?" Doc asked. The door slammed behind us when everyone was out.

"I guess we're not going back that way," Addy said when she tried the lock.

"Well, kid. Your uncle was right about the secret base part."Doc said.

"I'm telling you, it's all true," 10k said. We stared down a hallway that had a blinking red light. This reminds me of the lab where Murphy released a nuke on the world.

"We sure we want to do this?" Murphy asked.

"He's got a point. It's not worth the risk." Vasquez said.

"Tell me you don't want to know what's down here," Warren said.

"I don't want to know what's down here," Murphy said walking forward.

"It's them. Those are the voices. They're here." The crazy lady said running forward away from us.

"Bernadette!" Warren yelled going after her.

"It's okay! They know me!" Bernadette yelled.

"Get ready for anything," Warren said as we walked into a foggy room.

"They're here. Just like they said. Aren't they beautiful?" Bernadette said turning around. A purring sound came from in front of us.

"Well, I'll be damned. Just like my dad said." Warren said. There was a human-like creature bend over on the ground. it had something attached to it's back. It stood up still purring. its hands looked like claws and he moved in sharp mechanical motions. Warren lifted her hand with her gun but Bernadette pushed it back down.

"They won't hurt us." She said.

"Wait," Murphy said. "Something's wrong!" He yelled. The alien snarled and looked at us. it began to walk towards us and we fired upon it. 10k had the death shot. Bernadette looked to him angrily.

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