Relaxing Is Hard

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After the shower and clean clothes, the couch was calling my name. There was a remote placed on the coffee table. I eyed the remote then the TV. I threw my legs down off the seat and grabbed it, laying back down I reached over and grabbed the fuzzy blanket next to me.

I pressed the remote and a loud humm surrounded the living room.

"Ahh! What the fuck!" I screamed. 10k came running down the hall in just a towel, hair dripping water down his chest.

"Nikole, what's wrong?!" He asked, panicked.

"The TV is loud as hell and it works" I said.

"Baby" he started laughing at me.

"What?" I whined.

"Don't tell me my little badass is frightened by loud noises" he said.

"No" I defended.

"Uh huh" he said. He turned and walked back down the hall to finish his shower.

I tested my head down and watched the TV that was on. Something on DVD.

21 Jump Street

My eyelids started getting heavy and they slowly dropped closed.

10k POV

I dried my hair off with the towel and threw it in the hamper in the corner. I threw on some new clothes and walked back towards my girl to join her watching TV.

"Aw, baby." I said, noticing she had fell asleep, her head was leaned back on the arm of the couch, her legs sprawled across the seat. Her blanket barely covered her anymore. Her blonde hair fell across her face.

She looks so tired but so peaceful at the same time. I slid my arms up underneath her small body and lifted her up. She stirred but nestled into my neck and her hand slid down my chest.

Her hot breath tickled my neck as she let out soft little snores. I smiled and kissed her head. I love every bit of this girl.

I opened the door to the bedroom with my back. I slid her into the covers I already turned down on her side.

She stirred against the pillows and turned on her side. I climbed into bed beside her. Nikole's eyelashes fluttered opened.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked brushing her hair behind her ear.

"I didn't get my kiss" she said sticking her lip out. I smiled and leaned over to her. I pressed a kiss to her lips before telling her goodnight.

She took a deep breath and slid closer to me. I wrapped her up in my arms and held her there.

Her breathing slowed, her snores soft, her hands grabbing my shirt when she gets scared in her dream.

I rubbed my hand across her back. I slowly joined her in sleep.

Karma // 10k Fic // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now