Carnival Of Mayhem

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"Welcome to our humble home. And Dark Carnival of Mayhem." The leader said.

"Whoop, whoop!" His people called. There were only about six or seven in the room with us.

"Let the games begin!" The leader called.

"Games?" Murphy muttered.

"I don't think he means Parcheesi." Doc said. Loud music started playing.

"And in this corner, we have the Zuggalo Wheel of Sudden Death. For your spinning pleasure." The leader said on a megaphone. 10k was attached to the bullseye. My heart sank. They began to spin him upside down and back around. A man threw a blade and it landed in the arm of the girl who was spinning the wheel. They both laughed like psychos.

"And in this corner, Brain the Hippie." The leader announced.

"Oh come on, man. What'd this ole hippie ever do to you?" Doc called. They were throwing pool balls at him.

"You need to back up, tater tot!" Doc called at the midget of their group. He was only about three feet tall.

"And for those of you who like your torture high tech, I give you Test Your Metal." The leader said before showing off Murphy being electrocuted.

"I'm gonna kill you!" Murphy said.

"Dude, it's only set to Wussy. We haven't even cranked it up yet." Their leader laughed.

"And for our Zuggalo pleasure!" The leader said. He and Warren slammed four shots.

"All right. That's it for round one of Drink For Your Life. Now that we're warmed up, it's time for Pruno!" The leader said.

"Pruno!" All the zuggalos yelled.

"Yeah! Same rules as last round. Only this time, for every wrong answer, you drink. And we zap your friend here while your darling little girl gets to join the party." The leader said.

"Wait, what? That... that's not fair!" Murphy yelled.

"All right. Here we go. Okay, I got it. What was the first joker's card?" He asked.

"That was the Carnival of Carnage. 1992. Guzzle it." Warren said.

"Oh! Lucky guess. That was too easy." The leader said and cut the music off. "Okay. I got it. When did they release Echo Side?"

"That's a trick question. It's a Dark Lotus song. And it's on the Tales of the Lotus Pod, in like, - 2001." Warren said.

"Ha! Wrong. Drink. It was actually on The Amazing Jeckel Brothers in 1999. That was a good try though. You were right. It was on Dark Lotus too. But later." He said.

Murphy got zapped and a woman pushed a needle in my am, the dark liquid entering my veins.

"I'm chillin'. I'm illin'." The leader said.

"With my guts all over the ceilin'." Warren said.

"Like a game of Simon Says but I never said Simon." The leader said.

"Splash a little paint in their faces and start rhymin'." Warren said.

"What?! Whoop! Whoop!" Their leader said, making his followers repeat the saying.

Karma // 10k Fic // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now