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Warren and Sun Mei ducked into the building 10k and Doc were in. Crap. I made my way inside to see them all sitting down talking.

"I dunno what's in them. Doctor Merch gave them to me to keep them safe."10k lied.

"Really?" Warren pressed.

"I dunno. Umm. Well, she was giving Murphy some booster shots to keep him from turning more zombie. Maybe that's what's in them. Maybe they're for Murphy." 10k said bouncing his leg up and down. I made my presence apparent when my hand rested on his bouncing leg calming him down. He looked at me with worry in his eyes. I gave a reassuring smile and kissed his cheek.

"Maybe it's the original vaccine. Small doses might act as a booster shot of some kind. Slow down his deterioration." Sun Mei suggested and 10k nodded his head too eagerly.

"Or it might also be whatever cocktail of Murphy blood they're giving the blends," Warren said. Nobody said anything and 10k just nodded along. "Okay." She added. They both walked out of the room and left the three of us alone. 10k pulled me into his lap and hugged me.

"It's going to be okay" I whispered into his hair rubbing his back.

"Fear no more. Guaranteed. Fear no more. There is a way. Follow me. Fear no more. Fear no more." Murphy's voice rang out on a loudspeaker.

"‭Somebody want to tell me what the hell that is?" Warren asked as the voice continued.

"Sounds like the blue dude himself," Doc said.

"Murphy is advertising?" Addy asked.

"I told you. He's insane."10k spoke up resting his hand around me on my hip.

"If he has thousands of doses of vaccine, all he needs are live bodies." Sun Mei said.

"You heard the man. Come on. Does this thing run?" Warren asked.

"Yes, ma'am," Hector said. We got into the car and drove off. We were following the sounds of Murphy's annoying voice until we caught up to the truck. Apparently someone got to it before us because there were red handprints all over it and the word fear spray-painted on the back.

"This Escorpion is starting to piss me off," Hector said raising his pistol held hand, shooting the loudspeaker.

"Who the hell are these guys?" Addy asked.

"This man was shot in the heart, not the head. But he didn't turn." Sun Mei said pointing to his back.

"He's a blend. Look at the other side of his face." 10k said. She pulled the head up and it was the father of the little girl. I closed my eyes and turned away.

"So when blends die, they don't turn," Warren said putting to dots together.

"Yeah. And zombies ignore you like you're one of them." I added.

"Maybe Murphy's onto something," Doc said.

"He's just trying to help people," 10k said.

"Huh?" Addy chirped.

"Become blends," 10k added quickly.

"There's more too. He's planning some kind of expedition." I said taking the heat off of 10k. He needs to be more careful.

"An expedition to where?" Warren asked.

"Springfield, Illinois," I said.

"Springfield? We've been to Springfield." Addy said.

"What's in Springfield? Yeah, besides crazy Lincoln zombies?" Doc asked.

"Lucy." Warren and Addy said at the same time.

Karma // 10k Fic // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now