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"I got something to say." Tommy stuck his head through the ac hole in the roof. I giggled at his actions.

"Go ahead." Doc said.

"Yeah, and Murphy's still acting like he's the freaking blue messiah. It's really pissing me off." He said. I laughed out loud, not being able to hold it in.

"This is about Warren. This is not a free for all." Murphy said.

"Oh. Warren? I got no problem with her." Tommy said before coming back out to sit with me. I was still laughing.

"What?" He asked.

"Murphy's still acting like hes the freaking blue messiah." I mocked him then went right back to laughing. He joined in laughing with me.

"I'm so in love with you." He blurted.

"Awe" I kissed his cheek and rested my head on his shoulders.

"I'm alone. Outside. And the sky's on fire. It's the end of the world. And there's a... a black rainbow that's blocking the sun. Then it starts to rain. It's a... black ashen rain that hisses in the air and melts everything that it touches. Humans, Enders, Zombies. And when it... when it hits my skin, it burns. Uhh... That's all I got." Warren talked about her dreams.

Tommy and I were both looking through the ac hole.

"I'm sorry, but that's not enough." Murphy said.

"Newmerica." Murphy raised his hand.

"Newmerica." Lilly quickly answered.

"Newmerica." Tommy popped down.

"Addy said she'd meet me there." Lucy said.

"All right. I can't expect you to believe in something that I don't believe in myself. Newmerica." Warren said.

"All of us together. And you." Doc asked.

"Yeah." She confirmed.

"Hallelujah. Let's get the hell out of Zombietown." Murphy said.

"I won't let you down." Lilly said.

"Thank you." She said.

"Single file. Eyes on me. Due North." Lilly said. Everyone began to follow her.

"You think we're wrong, don't you? I can feel it." Lucy said to Warren.

"What I feel and what I know are two different things. And what I know is we got to get you to Newmerica. For Addy." Warren said.

"Right." Lucy said

"Yeah?" Warren asked.

"For Addy." Lucy confirmed.

"I would've followed you Warren. 10k would have to get over it and follow us too but we are always on your side." I said.

"I know, baby. I know" She wrapped me in a hug and kissed my head.

"Hold up. Ender. Heavily armed. Over there on the ground." Lilly said. There was an ender crawing on the ground with four or five weapons strapped to his back.

"Say the word and I'll mercy him." Lilly said.

"I think that Ender's a Zombie. Garden variety. Not one of them Mad Zs." Doc said.

"His name is Alex." Lucy said.

"Check out the artillery on this guy." Lilly smirked before walking over to him.

"Looks like somebody stole more than they could carry. Damn. That is a smorgasbord of badassery." Doc said.

"Well, speaking of weapons, you guys all got guns and knives and shields and stuff. I feel like I need a weapon." Murphy said.

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