Murder On The Job

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"Dana. We need to interface." Gideon said.

"Please don't mercy him before he's dead." She said.

"I won't. I promise." Doc said. She walked away. "Unless something unforeseen happens." He continued when she was out of earshot.

"What do you think?" Warren asked.

"Well, I only heard one shot. So we have one bullet and two victims. Judging by the bullet's trajectory, the shooter was here. He surprised Murphy, sees the food, fires once. The bullet hits Murphy in the shoulder, continues on, hits victim number two in the heart." Vasquez said.

"Now, wait. Hold on. You're telling me that the bullet passed through Murphy and hit this dude in the heart? Well, no wonder he ain't turning. He's looking just like Cassandra." Doc said opening his eye.

"You better keep your eye on him," Warren said.

"Damn straight." Doc agreed.

"Hey, guys?" Gideon called. "Okay, everybody. Could I ask you to come in here and join us in the trust circle? We're gonna resolve this conflict peacefully. Without violence." He said.

"Karma?" Warren asked.

"Yeah, I'm done," I said tying the last stitch.

"Well, that's not gonna be easy. Considering one of you just shot one of us." Warren said.

"Do you have any proof of that?" A guy asked. Too jumpy, he knows something.

"Okay, listen. Everyone. Violence can spread like wildfire. It just takes one spark to burn down the bridges of trust between all of our fellow human beings. And once it's started, a fire doesn't care who it burns. I know we can resolve the issues between us. The issue between us-" Gideon said.

"The issue between us is that one of you shot Murphy," Warren interjected.

"Imvume. You said Murphy was your prisoner. Maybe he tried to escape and one of you shot him." not her, she doesn't have the guts.

"Okay, Meg. Meg, thank you. Will you please sit down? We all have to trust." Gideon said. We reluctantly sat down.

"Imvume. I saw him sneaking around where the shooting happened." He gestured to 10k. Possibly, he lied about 10k.

"Imvume. I saw him there too right after the shot was fired. He was acting suspicious." The jumpy dude said. Liar number 2.

"Thank you. So clearly there's some unresolved conflict between you and Murphy." Gideon said.

"Bullshit, he was with me," I said.

"10K doesn't miss," Addy said shortly after.

"Hold on," Gideon said. Dana stood up and handed the Pole to Addy.

"If 10K wants something dead, it's dead. And he would never try to kill Murphy. Kick him in the nuts a few times, maybe. But he would never try to kill him." Addy said.

"You care to defend yourself?" Gideon asked, passing him the pole.

"Murphy's not my friend. He never will be. I have more than enough reasons to want to kill him. And when the time comes, I will kill him. Happily. But it's not the time." He said. 10k that looks bad.

"Why should we believe you?" The dude with the hoodie around his shoulders said.

"Because he didn't fire that shot. One of you did." Vasquez said throwing a duffle down with food in it.

"My God. Look at all that food," Dana said.

"It's more than 100,000 calories there." One of 10k accusers said.

Karma // 10k Fic // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now