Chapter 1

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Wanda's POV:

I sit next to Y/n while they lay still in a coma. I've been in here every day since they've been in here. It's been three months and they still haven't woken up, Ben keeps asking when they'll wake up. Every time he asks I want to start crying but I keep it together, for him.

"Wanda? You should take a break.." Nat walks over to me and sits down starting to rub my back. "They'll wake up.."

"It's been three months Nat..." I start getting choked up, I put my face in my hands trying not to cry.

"I know it's hard. But they're strong, Y/n wouldn't leave us. They wouldn't leave you" With that I start crying, I quickly latch onto Nat crying into her shoulder. She sighs pulling me closer rubbing my back. "I know.."

"Hey.. you're still in here Wanda?" I hear Bucky's voice from the door.

"Yea.. I don't want to leave them.." I sniffle still hiding my face in Nats shoulder.

"You should go out, get some fresh air you know." He suggests.

"No!" I snap at him sitting up straight. "I.. I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell.."

"No it's ok. I'm sorry I'll leave you be" He chuckles awkwardly then leaves the room.

"You know he's right Wanda"

"What?" I furrow my brows at Nat.

"You need to get out of this room. Out of the building, you've been in here for weeks." Nat smiles and wraps her arm around my shoulders pulling me close. "Come on, some fresh air will be nice. A bath too maybe"

"Maybe you're right.. Where's Benji?" I check.

"He's at Tanner and Lina's last I checked, Y/b/n dropped him off for a little." Nat shrugs. I forget that Tanner and Lina moved into an apartment together.

"Maybe I should go out somewhere..." I sigh leaning my head on her shoulder.

"Didn't Y/n have a plot of land where a house can be built for you? In.. WestView right? That's not too far from us. Why not go visit and see?" She suggests rubbing my arm softly.

"I thought we could do it together... They did give me a blueprint.. I haven't looked at it though" I look over at them as tears fill my eyes again.

"It was just a suggestion. But maybe it'll be good for you, I bet they'd want you to go look at it" She chuckles lightly.

"I hate that you're probably right" I groan as she laughs again.


"Ok fine I'll go" I sit up and reach for Y/n's hand.

"Want me to go with you?" She queries.

"Yes but.. I'll go out and look at it myself. But I need some emotional support" I chuckle softly.

"Then I'll be there with you" She smiles at me.

"Thank you" I smile back at her.

"No need to thank me. Let's get going" She stands up and walks towards the door.

"I'll be back my love.." I kiss their hand then follow Nat out of the room. We get into the car and I drive off to WestView. Nat turns on the radio and we just listen to music while we drive. After a little while we arrive in WestView, I make my way around to the plot of land Y/n found. I park on the side of the road and take a deep breathe.

"You ok?" Nat looks over at me with concern.

"Yep just... preparing" I take another deep breathe then open the door grabbing the blueprint. "I'll be back"

"Ok, holler if you need me" She smiles softly, I nod my head as an answer then get out shutting the door.

I walk up looking around at the empty little lot. I feel my tears beginning to well in my eyes. I open up the blue print and see a little message from Y/n saying "To grow old in -Your bubs" Tears start rushing down my cheeks as my emotions start feeling like they are explode. My powers start flowing out of my hands as I try and contain myself.

"Wanda??" I hear Nat say from the car.

"Hello dear, I feel a tremendous amount of power coming from you" I spin around to see a unfamiliar women standing behind me.

"Wh-Who are you? What do you mean.. tremendous power?" I question her finally stopping my powers from flowing.

"I'm Agatha Harkness dear, and I think I know who you are" She smiles at me, "But I'm not sure"

"You.. know who I am?" I furrow my brows at her.

"Let me train you" She says taking me off guard.

"Train me?? What do you mean train me?" I look at her confused.

"I'm sure your little friends can't train you, at least your powers. None of them know what kind of power you hold" She starts.

"And you do?" Nat walks over grabbing my arm. "I think we're done here"

"I do know. If my intuition is correct... then she's extremely powerful" Agatha smirks.

"She doesn't need you to train her. She's fine with us" I look at Nat who's glaring her now.

"You can't give her the proper training she needs."

"I think she'll be just fine. Come on Wanda let's go back home, we need to get Ben" Nat tugs on my arm a little.

"O-Oh right. We need to get Benji... um it was nice to meet you Agatha.." I say as Nat starts pulling me towards the car.

"Oh I'm sure we'll meet again dear!" She smirks as we get to the car.

"Get in. I'm driving" Nat orders walking over to the drivers side.

"Ok.." I get in the car and buckle up. As we start driving off I look back to see Agatha watching us.

"What's with that crazy lady? Train you? Who even was that?" Nat starts rambling.

"I don't know who she was.. she said I have tremendous power" I look out the window as we pass by houses.

"We all know that you're powerful. We don't need some random lady telling us what we already know!" Nat grumbles at we leave WestView.

"Let's just stop talking about it for now.." I sigh sadly looking down at my hands.

"Yea ok.." Nat looks over at me then looks forward back at the road as we go to get Ben.

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