Chapter 36

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You sit on the bed in the medical room where Vision also sits quietly, while you wait for Bruce to come back. "Y/n?" Vision finally speaks up after sitting there silently for 10 minutes.

"He speaks, what's up?" You look over at him as he swings his legs over the edge of the bed.

"Are you still mad at Wanda?" He queries now standing up from his bed.

"No, we made up before I came in here." You take a deep breathe, "How are you by the way?"

"I'm quite alright, my wound is healed up because of Wanda. She used her powers to fix me" He looks down touching where he had gotten hurt with the tips of his fingers. "She really is amazing" You glare at him, remembering when he used to be against your relationship with Wanda. "No need to glare. I'm only saying this because of how powerful she is. She can easily fix my wound with her powers" He explains.

"Hm" You look him up and down as he clears his throat and starts towards.

"Trust me" He turns back to you. "I have given up on perusing Wanda. I'm happy for the two of you" He explains then promptly leaves the room.

Just as he exits the room, Bruce walks into the room. "Well Y/n it looks like everything's ok. You're most likely just sore, try relaxing for the rest of the day and of it still hurts too much come back and we can do a further inspection" He explains setting your folder down on the counter.

"Thank god, I was a little worried something was broken" You put your hand on your chest sigh in relief.

"Nope nothings broken. But like I said if it keeps hurting like that come back and we can do further inspection" He smiles nodding your way.

"Thanks Bruce! I'll let you know" You get up from the bed walking towards the door.

"Of course, see you later then Y/l/n" He waves to you as you leave the room.

"Bye!" You yell back to him then go to look for Wanda. After searching for a few minutes you find her in the kitchen with Ben eating sandwiches. "There you two are" You smile walking over to Wanda and kissing the top of her head.

"Hey my love, what'd Banner say?" She raises an eyebrow while looking up at you.

"He said nothings broken so I'm probably just sore. He also said I should just relax for the rest of the day" You lean down giving her a gentle kiss on the lips.

"Then why are you in here? You should be upstairs laying in bed!" She stands up abruptly making you take a step back in surprise. "You need to rest then"

"I'll rest babe don't worry! Can I at least eat something first? I've been training all morning and I'm starving" You whine putting your hand over your stomach.

"Yes you can eat, how about me and Benji make you a sandwich while you go upstairs and relax. Then we will bring it up to you" She wraps her arms around your neck and kisses you softly.

"You're not gonna let me stay down here are you?" You chuckle as she shakes her head no. "Ok fine I'll go back upstairs and lay in our bed"

"Thank you, I love you" She kisses you again and smiles.

"I love you too" You pull her closer by her hips and kiss her lovingly causing her to giggle against your lips. You walk over to Ben who's been happily eating his sandwich. "I love you too bubba" You bend down kissing the top of his head.

"I love you too mod! And you too mommy" He giggles kicking his feet.

"I love you too Benji, no let's make mod a sandwich" You smile as Wanda walks over to Ben while he stands up on the chair.

"Yay ok!" He cheers as Wanda picks him up from the chair. You stand there for a few moments then go back upstairs to your room and sit down on the bed. You turn the tv on and wait for Wanda and Ben to come up with your sandwich. A few minutes pass by and you hear footsteps quickly approaching from down the hallway. "Mod!" Ben yells running into your room excitedly. "We finished making your sandwich mod"

"Thanks Benny" You smile as he hops on the bed and crawls over to you. "Where's mommy?" You kiss his head and raise an eyebrow at him.

"Uhh" He chuckles nervously and turns towards the door.

"Jeez Benji, you're so fast!" Wanda walks into the room with your sandwich in hand chuckling.

"Sorry mommy" He giggles as she kisses his cheek.

"It's ok baby" She smiles sitting next to you placing the sandwich on your lap. "Here you go my love"

"Thank you beautiful" You smile grabbing her chin softly and kissing her gently. "I love you"

"I love you too" She giggles and kisses your nose. "Want us to stay here with you?"

"I'd like that" You lean your head on her shoulder as Ben hops off the bed.

"I'm gonna go get a few of my toys then!" With that he runs out to Wanda's old room where you've been keeping his things.

"I am really sorry Y/n" Wanda sighs now laying her head on your shoulder as you sit up and start eating your sandwich.

"You don't have to apologize, I already told you it's ok my love. I forgive you, I can't stay mad at you" You smile setting your hand on top of hers. "You could kill me and if still love you with all my heart"

"What?? You'd love me even if I killed you?" She sits up straight furrowing her brows at you.

"Of course" You take a bite of your sandwich and set it back on your lap.

"Well.. you don't have to worry about that. Because I'm never killing you or hurting you again!" She wraps her arms around you nuzzling her face into your neck.

"I'd hope not Wands" You chuckle kissing her head while Ben comes running back in. "I'll still love you no matter what.." You bring her hand up and kiss the back of her hand.

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