Chapter 24

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You and Yelena walk into the compound as she hides the bag behind her so Ben doesn't see. You see Ben playing with Peter in the living room so Yelena quickly runs upstairs. "Hey Ben, hey Parker" You laugh waving to them.

"Hi mod! How was shopping?" Ben looks over at you with a big smile on his face.

"Hey how'd you know I was shopping?" You query walking over to the boys and sit down on the couch.

"Mommy told us, I asked where you went and she said Yelena took you shopping. There's mommy now" He points behind you, you turn around to see Wanda walking into the room.

"Hey Benji let me know when. Oh wait you are here hey bubs" She smiles walking over to you.

"Hey my love" You turn around on the couch leaning in for a kiss.

"Hold on"

"What do you mean hold-" Before you can finish Wanda suddenly starts getting pulled away starting to disappear. "What the"

A few seconds later Wanda comes walking back in, "Now we can kiss" She giggles happily, she grabs your face kissing you softly.

"You got me there with your astral projection love" You chuckle leaning back in for a kiss. "You're getting really good at that. You can talk now"

"Next is being able to move around both my astral projection and my physical form" She walks over to the other side of the couch sitting next to you.

"I know you can do it in no time, right Ben?" You look over at Ben and Peter as Wanda rests her head on your shoulder.

"Mhm! Mommy's super powerful!" He giggles.

"Thanks baby" Wanda blows a kiss to Ben making him smile then turn back to his toys.

"Nat actually wants to see you Y/n. She wanted me to tell you when you got home" Peter looks over at you leaning back on his hands.

"Oh ok. Where is she?" You ask.

"Up in her room I think" He shrugs looking back at the tv.

"Ok. Well then I'll be right back my love" You smile leaning down kissing Wanda softly.

"Hurry, I've missed you this morning" She smiles giving you a hug before you get up.

"I've missed you this morning too. I'll be back in a minute" You kiss the top of her head, get up and leave upstairs to Nats room. "Nat? Can I come in?"

"Yea come in!" She yells, so you open the door seeing her standing in a black dress.

"Uh.. what's going on Nat?" You look her up and down confused.

"What do you think?" She looks down at her dress then back up at you.

"What? The dress? It looks good on you. What's the occasion?" You scratch the top of your head still confused.

"For your wedding duh! I picked it out with Wanda yesterday when we went shopping. I thought she should come since she asked me to be her maid of honor" She smiles brushing the wrinkles from the dress.

"Oh! That's the dress you picked out? Well then I like it even more than before! It suits you very nicely Nat" You cross your arms nodding approvingly as she chuckles.

"Thanks, glad you like it too. That's why I wanted you to come up here. I've been wearing this for like 15 minutes waiting for you!" She shakes her head laughing.

"Oops, sorry. Lena wanted to get Ben a birthday present" You laugh with a shrug.

"Wait really? She did? That's sweet of her. And surprising. Shit I need to do that too!" She smacks her forehead with the palm of her hand.

"Well you have a week to do so, that's when Bens birthday is and when his party is."

"I gotta think about what to get him. Also I'm gonna change so" She motions for you to get out of the room.

"Right yea I'll get out" You laugh backing away, "Talk to you later then" You turn around and walk back downstairs.

"Did she show you the dress I'm assuming?" Wanda smiles as you walk over to the couch and sit next to her.

"She did indeed, it's a very beautiful dress" You smile leaning over kissing her softly. "And I know you're dress will be amazing" You smile as she does her cute little nose scrunch.

"I love you" She scoots over and lays her head on your chest.

"I love you more" You sigh happily wrapping your arms tightly around her.

"What are you gonna wear?" She queries.

"What? To our wedding?" You ask so she nods in answer. "I was thinking of wearing a tux. I'll have to go pick one up some time soon"

"You'll look so hot in a tux bubs" She giggles nuzzling her face in your chest.

"And you'll look stunning in your dress beautiful" You kiss the top of her head and tighten your grip around her.

"And you little Benji will look so freaking adorable in your little tux!" Wanda looks over at Ben who smiles widely over at you both.

"Really? I wanna go get me a tux!" He stands up excitedly.

"How about when I go get one you can come with me? Would you like that?" You check leaning your head on Wanda's.

"Yes! I wanna do that!" He giggles excitedly.

"We will go within the next few days ok?"

"Ok! Yay!"

"Can I come too? I need to buy myself a tux or a suit for the wedding" Peter asks looking over at you.

"Of course you can Parker" You chuckle as he quietly cheers.

"Yay!" Ben cheers running to the couch and jumping on Wanda's lap happily.

"Come here you little munchkin!" You pull him into a hug kissing his face. Wanda joins in kissing his cheeks. "We love you bub"

"I love you both too!"

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