Chapter 31

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Wanda uses her powers lifting Thanos higher in the as her powers become a much darker red. With her other hand she stabs her magic into his stomach multiple times then slams him into the ground. "Is he..." Vision gains consciousness attempting to sit up.

"He's dead." Thor breathes heavily.

"Now for the others." Wanda's flies higher on the sky above the battle field. Streams of red flow down to the Outriders causing them all to run away back into their ships. Wanda lifts the ships up in the air and blows them up killing all of the Outriders.

"Are you ok Vision?" You check.

"I'm ok. Thank you Y/n. I know we got off on the wrong foot, but I appreciate you saving me" He sits himself up against a tree.

"It's ok. You're apart of this team, I wasn't gonna let him kill you" You sigh looking at the gauntlet. "What do we do with those?"

"We put them back" Steve walks over.

"How? We don't know where they were." You watch as Wanda comes back to the ground. "Hold on" You get up and walk over to Wanda who smiles going in for a kiss. But instead you grab her wrists holding her hands up. "Your fingers.. why are they turning black?"

"What? I don't know" She shrugs trying to take her wrists away from your grasp.

"Is the darkhold doing this to your hands?" You grab her hand rubbing her fingers.

"No. Maybe. I don't know! Who cares?" She rips her hands away from your hands. "Now can I have a kiss?"

"I care." You sigh then lean forward kissing her softly. Then a portal opens and Doctor Strange, Peter and Tony walk through. "You're ok!"

"Somewhat" Tony groans holding his side.

"Hey babe why don't you help everyone? I need to talk to Strange" You smile kissing her softly.

"Oh alright" She smiles and walks away to help.

"Hey uh Strange" You hurry over to him as he shuts the portal.

"Please call me Stephen. What can I do for you?" He asks turning towards you.

"What do you know about the darkhold?" You ask looking back at Wanda who's helping Vision walk back to the jet.

"The darkhold? The book of the dammed. It's a very dangerous book, it corrupts those who read it." He explains.

"Corrupts them?" You furrow your brows.

"Yes. Corrupts their minds. In the wrong hands it can be extremely powerful. Do you know where it is? We've been looking but can't find it" He sighs dusting himself off.

"Uh... we may have come in contact with it.. and have it" You chuckle as he stands up straight and looks at you wide eyed.

"You need to bring it to me! I assume Wanda has been reading it. You must bring it to me before it corrupts her mind Y/n. We will protect it." He grabs onto your shoulders shaking you a little.

"Don't worry. I'll get it to you, I think it's already starting to change Wanda. Her fingers their.. turning black.. so when we get back I'll get it to you!" You grab his wrists taking his hands off of your shoulders.

"Thank you. It's important we get it away from Wanda before it corrupts her anymore" He says as Steve starts calling for you both.

"I'll get it" You nod then follow after Steve back to the jet.

"Is everything ok?" Wanda asks appearing out of nowhere making you jump.

"Oh god babe! You scared me" You put your hand to your chest taking a deep breathe. "Yea everything's fine. I want to go home." You force a smile as Wanda grabs onto your hands.

"Then let's go home" She kisses you then pulls you to the jet. As you walk you with her, you look down at her hand seeing her fingers. You get onto the jet and call Y/b/n.

"Y/n! Oh my god are you guys ok!?"

"We're ok. A little beater and broken but we're alive. We won" You lean back holding your side that still hurts from being thrown into so many trees.

"Thank god! I've been having to keep Ben occupied so he doesn't worry."

"Oh jeez.. if you want you can meet us at the compound and drop him off"

"Sounds good"

"Is that mod??" You hear Ben from the other end of the phone.

"Give him the phone." There's a moment of silence, "Ben?"

"Mod! I'm so glad you're ok!"

"Hey bubba! Yes we're all ok, your uncles gonna bring you to the compound and meet us there."

"Yay! I can't wait to see you and mommy!"

"We can't wait to see you too! We love you"

"I love you both too!"

"Bye bub" You smile hanging up the phone. After a kinda long flight back to the compound you see Y/b/n and Ben standing outside.

"Mod! Mommy!" Ben yells as you and Wanda walk out of the quinjet.

"Hey Benny!" You squat down as he runs into your arms hugging you.

"How's our baby?" Wanda bends down kissing his cheek.

"I'm happy you're back!"

"Let's head inside" Steve suggests with a smile.

Wanda picks Ben up and walks inside with everyone else. You start getting antsy down in the front room, so you kiss Bens cheek and turn towards the stairs. "I'm gonna go upstairs I'll be back" You smile back at Wanda before quickly heading upstairs. "Where is it? Where is it?" You rummage through drawers and the closet. "Damn it. Where did she put it?" You decide to look under the bed and sure enough you see the darkhold sitting under the bed. "Gotcha!" You reach under grabbing it and pulling it out. You stand up smiling, "Now to get those out of here"

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

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