Chapter 16

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You stand up picking Ben up with you watching this couple walk towards the three of you. "Can I help you?" Ben whimpers burying his face into your chest.

"Is that you Ben?" The woman says, your whole body tenses at the fact that she knows Bens name. Ben shakes his head aggressively not turning to look at the couple.

"Damn it boy look at us!" The man yells causing Ben to tense up and start shaking.

"Hey! Don't yell at my son like that! Who the hell do you think you are!?" You growl at them as Ben removes his face from your chest and looks over at the couple.

"They're my real parents..." He whispers and shoved his face back into your chest.

"What?" You look down at Ben then over at the couple.

"Your son!? That boy there is OUR son!" The woman yells taking a step towards you. You quickly step away putting your hand on Bens head keeping him in place.

"Don't step closer" Y/b/n chimes in stepping in front of you and Ben.

"Give me back my son!" She yells again getting closer.

"He's my son now! He stopped being your son when you sold him to Hydra!" You growl tightening your grip around Ben.

"Yea who does that? Benny is the sweetest kid ever! You guys are just assholes" Y/b/n stands strong as the man walks towards him.

The man grabs him by his shirt and growls, "What the fuck did you say?"

"Whoa hey! Back the fuck off my brother!" You form lightning around your fist stepping forward. The man looks at you as your fist connects with his face sending him back a few feet. "Don't touch him"

"You little shit!" The man stumbles to his feet holding his nose.

"Take Ben" You hand Ben to your brother and he immediately latches onto Y/b/n. You step in front of them glaring at the couple as your eyes turn purple.

"Give us Ben now!" The lady commands.

"Not happening" You growl forming lightning around both of your hands this time. "I'm gonna need to ask you both to fuck off before I make you."

"What the hell are you!? How are you doing that?" The man growls.

"I'm an Avenger! So if you don't want to get your asses kicked, I suggest you walk away with your tails tucked between your legs. Because I won't let you touch MY son"

"You Avengers don't scare me. We'll get our son back" The man backs up grabbing the woman's hand.

"I won't let you take him" Your anger rises cause the lightning bolts to become bigger.

"We'll see about that" The man tugs at his wife's arm and they both walk across the street leaving.

You take a few deep breathes settling down, making the lightning disappear. You turn around quickly running back to Ben and your brother. "Are you both ok?"

"I'm fine" You brother smiles and hands you Ben.

"Are you ok Ben?" You move his hair out of his eyes and dry his dampened cheeks.

"Yea.. thank you mod.." He sniffles wrapping his arms around your neck hugging you.

"I won't let them take you.. not on my watch bubba..." You put one of your hands on the back of his head as he begins crying back into your chest.

"Y/n go back to the apartment I'll meet you there" You're brother turns to walk away.

"Wait why? Where you going? Also I don't have my key anymore. I gave it to Tanner" He sighs and turns back around taking his keys out of his pocket and hands them to you.

"Right, here. I'm gonna go get something so I'll be right back, just go to the apartment" He instructs.

"Ok ok fine, let's go back Ben" You kiss the side of his head and start walking back to the apartment. When you get back inside you set Ben on the couch and take a seat next to him. "Are you sure you're ok Ben?"

"I'm ok.. I was just scared.. I don't want to go back with them.. they're mean and nasty.." He begins crying again so you immediately pull him onto your lap hugging him tightly.

"I'm sorry.. we shouldn't have gone on that walk. I had no idea they'd be there.." You sigh, Ben gets on his knees and grabs your face.

"It's ok Mod, I had fun walking to go get the ice cream" He smiles softly at you.

"Yea but.. oh no you're Ice cream! It fell onto the floor back there" You groan leaning back on the couch feeling exhausted.

"It's ok I got to at least eat some of it! It was good while I had it" Ben giggles a little then lays his head on your chest. "I'm glad I at least got some.. I barely ever got ice cream with them." He sighs.

"Well good thing we're you're family now Benny!" Y/b/n name walks into the room without you even knowing he was back.

"Oh I didn't hear you come back in" You turn on the couch to look at him. "What do you have there?"

"A whole tub of cookie dough ice cream for Ben!" He bums taking the tub out of the plastic bag he was holding.

"For me?? Really!?" Ben now stands on the couch leaning over the back of it looking at your brother.

"Yes, for you Ben! I felt bad about what happened and about your ice cream sadly falling to its demise. So I got you a whole tub of it!" Ben gasps and starts jumping up and down excitedly.

"Thank you uncle Y/b/n!! I've always wanted a tip of ice cream to myself!" He giggles still jumping up and down.

"Then how about we go crack this open and get you a big ol bowl of ice cream?" Y/b/n smiles holding the tub up next to his head.

"Yay!" Ben jumps off the couch and runs into the kitchen making you and your brother laugh at his cute excitement.

You get up following them into the kitchen and whisper to your brother, "Hey thanks for getting him more ice cream"

"Anytime, he is my little nephew after all. He's apart of this family, family stuck together right?" He smiles holding his fist up to you.

"Right" You chuckle bumping your fist to his. You pick Ben up setting him on the counter so he can watch your brother scoop ice cream into a bowl for him. Once he's finished scooping you pick Ben up with one arm and grab the bowl with your other hand. You walk into the living room as Y/b/n puts the tub away then Joins you and Ben on the couch to hangout and watch tv.

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