Chapter 17

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The next two days you keep an eye on Ben, keeping him with you at all times. "You're being paranoid Y/n! They wouldn't be able to get in to take him" Nat walks over with a juice for Ben. "Here you go bud"

"Thank you auntie Nat!" He grabs it from her taking a big drink.

"You never know Nat, they could" You huff as she rolls her eyes taking a seat next to you.

"This is a highly secured compound, I'm sure they wouldn't be able to get in here" She scoots over putting her arm around your shoulders. "Stop being such a worry wart and just relax! I'm telling you there is no way they can get in here and take Ben"

"Ugh.. you're right. I just don't want them to hurt Ben again" You sigh leaning your head on Nats shoulder.

"I know, we won't let them. Ben has us now, he's happy." She smiles patting your shoulder, "Now you get your mood up because Wanda and them should be back any minute"

"Yay mommy's coming home!" Ben cheers making you and Nat chuckle.

"I can't wait to see her, it's only been two days but I miss her" You smile thinking about seeing Wanda again.

"You're such a sap" She laughs pushing you off of her playfully.

"Hey you'll be a sap when you find your person" You stick your tongue out at her as she groans and then hits the back of your head. "Ow! Not cool Nat! What was that for?"

"You know I don't really care about that.." She sighs looking down at the floor.

"Tell that to the extremely sad and depressing sigh you just let out" You chuckle as she looks up at you ready to hit you again. "H-Hey I'm just teasing!" She stands up balling up her fists, "N-Nat we can talk about this" Just then the front door opens and closes. "Wanda!!" You jump off the couch and run towards the front door.

"Hey get back here!" Nat yells after you.

You skid to a stop as Wanda looks over at you smiling, "Hey bubs! We're-"

"Save me!" You run almost tackling her to the ground making her laugh.

"Save you from what?" She asks as Nat comes walking over.

"Me" She smirks at you making you hide your face in Wanda chest.

"She's gonna kill me! I teased her and now she's mad" You whimper looking up at Wanda as she chuckles shaking her head.

"You're fine love, I don't think Nats gonna kill you" She leans down kissing your nose gently.

"I'm not gonna kill you" Nat laughs starting to walk into the living room, "But if you tease me again with that I'm gonna kill you"

"Noted." You chuckle nervously as she winks before fully leaving the room. You clear your throat taking a step away looking at Wanda. "Anyway hey my love, how was the mission?"

"It was good, but I missed you" She wraps her arms around your neck softly kissing your lips.

"I missed you too.. I have to talk to you about something" You sigh wrapping your arms around her waist.

"What's wrong?" She furrows her brows at you, you can feel her start to worry.

Before you can say anything Ben comes running into the room, "Mommy!"

"Benji! I missed you!" She let's go of you and squats down as Ben runs into her arms.

"I missed you too mommy!" He giggles as Wanda starts kissing his cheeks over and over.

"How was visiting your Uncle Y/b/n?" She asks Ben who's face immediately saddens. "What? What's wrong?"

"Um.. that's what I wanted to talk to you about.. let's go upstairs" You hold out your hand helping Wanda up.

"Can I go back in the living room with Auntie Nat?" Ben smiles widely at you.

"Of course go ahead"  You lean down kissing his head before he runs off into the living room. "Let's go talk upstairs" You kiss Wanda's cheek and lead her upstairs.

"You're scaring me Y/n" She squeezes your hand as you get to your room. "I- wait why is my stuff in your room?"

"Crap. Surprise! Heh" You chuckle nervously kinda forgetting you put Wanda's things in your room. "I thought we could live in the same room.. so to surprise you when you came home I moved your things in here. Unless you want us to be in your room then that's ok too it's just-" Wanda smashes her lips onto yours stopping your rambling.

"I love it. Thank you! I think living in the same room is an amazing idea!" She throws her arms around your neck giving you multiple kisses on your lips.

"Ok ok! Not that I don't love your kisses my love, I really do need tot talk to you about something" You chuckle as she kisses you one more time then takes a step away from you.

"What happened?" She furrows her brows as I grab her hands.

"So when we went to my brothers we walked to get ice cream. On our way back uh.. Bens biological parents showed up." You smile nervously as Wanda's jaw drops.


"They wanted me to give them Ben back and were saying they were gonna get him. I also may have lightning punched his sperm donor in the face" Wanda covers her mouth trying not to laugh at your last comment. "Anyway I've been worried ever since!"

"Baby" Wanda cups your face in her hands smiling, "They won't get Benji, this is a safe space. They're normal people what are they gonna do? The worst they can do is hire someone to come get Benji. Even then this compound is highly secured and hard to break into" She rests her forehead on yours. "He's safe here"

"You're right.. I just.. I love Ben I don't want anything bad to happen to him again" You sigh as she pulls you into a hug.

"I love him too, no one wants anything to happen to him. We won't let anything happen to him again" She sighs kissing the side of your head and holding you tightly. "I love you, let's go back downstairs and hangout with our son"

"I love you too, and I'd like that" You pull back kissing her softly, "Let's go" You take her hands in hers and walk downstairs.

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