Chapter 20

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You pull up to the address Yelena had given you, "I'm trusting Nat's sister here. And hoping this is where Ben is" You sigh as Wanda turns off the car.

"Either way we have to check." She reaches over grabbing your hand and smiles.

"You're right, let's go save our son" You smile, Wanda leans over kissing you then unbuckles her seatbelt. The two of you get out and sneak in threw the back of the building.

"Get upstairs!" A mans voice booms from the living room.

"No! I wanna go home!"

"Ben" You say, Wanda quickly covers your mouth putting her finger to her lips quietly shushing you.

You nod quietly and she moves her hand from your mouth. "This is your home now! Listen to your father!" The women's voice joins in the yelling.

"He's not my dad! And you're not my mommy! I hate you!" With that you see Ben run upstairs crying.

"What'd you say you little shit!?" The man steps towards the stairs.

"Wanda now!" You yell, the couple looks at you two. Wanda uses her powers in the man throwing him at the woman's legs knocking her down. "I'll get Ben you take care of them!"

"Ok, go!" You run through the living room and up the stairs. You begin barging into every room when finally you swing open the second to last door to see Ben. He's curled up in the corner of the room crying.

"Ben!" You yell, you watch Ben tense up and quickly turn around.

"Mod!!" You squat down as he runs over to you. He jumps into your arms knocking you back. "I missed you so much! Don't let them take me again please!"

"I won't I promise! I'm so sorry.. I'm so so sorry" You begin sobbing holding him tightly and kissing his head.

"Can we go home now?" He looks up at you with fresh tears falling from his eyes.

You smile wiping his tears away, "Of course we can" Suddenly there's screams downstairs, you grab Bens hand and run downstairs. "What the..." you see the downstairs has been changed into a dark dungeon looking room. There's blood dripping from the walls while the couple cowers in the corner. Wanda is hovering in the middle of the room with a black and red aura surrounding her. You look down at Ben who's now hiding behind you. You bend down to hug him, he immediately latches into your shirt. "Wanda!"

Her head whips towards you, her face softens seeing Bens terrified face. "Benji!" Wanda stops using her powers turning the living room back into a living room. She quickly runs over to you and Ben getting down on her knees. "I'm sorry I scared you baby! It wasn't real I was using my magic. I'm so sorry Benji..."

"Can you make something... not scary with your magic?" He says shyly.

"Of course I can baby. I just made it scary to make sure they wouldn't bother you again. I'd never intentionally scare you Benji. I'm sorry.." Wanda sits back on her feet waiting for Ben to say something.

"It's ok mommy, Im not mad at you. I love you!" He jumps forward hugging her tightly.

"Aw I love you too Benji!" A smile replaces her frown as she starts kissing Bens face making him giggle.

"What the-" the Man starts.

You glare at them pointing your hand at them forming lightning bolts around your hand. "No. You two are gonna stay the hell away from me and my family! That includes Ben! He's our son now not yours! I adopted him! I actually love him! So does my fiancé and our family. So if you wanna live to see another day then I suggest you never show your face around us ever again!" As you continue the lightning around your hand grow bigger and bigger.

"Ok ok we'll leave you alone! Just don't hurt us anymore!" The woman pleas. The man is about to object but the woman hits his arm stopping him. "Don't! It's not worth it!"

"Fine. We will leave you alone." The man grumbles and curses under his breathe.

"Good." You growl making the lightning bolts disappear around your hand. Wanda grabs your hand bringing your attention towards her. She now has Ben in one arm and pulls you towards her.

"Let's go home" She smiles kissing your cheek.

"Yes please let's" You give her hand a little squeeze before following her and Ben out of the house to the car. You get in the passenger seat while Wanda puts Ben in his car seat then she joins you in the front seat. "Are you ok Ben? Did they hurt you or anything?"

"I'm ok.. no they didn't hurt me. They just yelled and screamed at me" He sighs looking out his car window as the three of you drive away.

"I'm glad we saved you before they could hurt you" Wanda chimes in looking back at Ben through the rear view mirror.

"Speaking of. Babe I had no idea you could do that! You made that living room into some weird creepy dungeon thing! Since when could you do that!?" You look over at her as she sits quietly for a few moments.

She takes a dee breathe then starts, "Well I made that house using my powers. So while we were away I decided to try and focus to make a room look completely different. And well as you saw I've got it down now. I still feel bad that it scared Benji.."

You reach over grabbing Wanda's hand, "It's ok my love, you didn't mean to"

"I forgive you for scaring me mommy! That was kinda cool.." Ben leans over and smiles so Wanda can see him.

"Thank you. Both of you. How'd did I get so lucky to have you two in my life Huh?" She smiles looking back at Ben as she stops at a stop sign.

"Because you deserve the world babe, and I hope I can give you that.." You squeeze her hand as you look down at your hand in hers.

"You've already given me so much Y/n... I love you" She puts the car in park for a moment and leans over giving you gentle kiss.

"I love you too, now will you put it back in drive and drive us home" You laugh as she lets ho of your hand and quickly puts the car back in drive. Then the three of you are off to the compound once again.

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