Chapter 3

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I arrive back in WestView and back to the plot of land hoping Agatha would show up again. "What If she left.."

"Oh I didn't leave dear" I jump hearing her voice come from behind me.

"Oh hi! Um I want you to train me" I say turning around to face her nervously.

"Ah good, I'm glad to hear it. I'll need to see what you can do. Can you cast a spell?" She asks, I furrow my brows in confusion.

"A spell? No no I can't do that. I'm not a witch!" I exclaim as she shakes her head.

"What do you mean? You are a witch honey" She smiles as I shake my head.

"No I.. I'm not." I take a deep breathe as she rolls her eyes at me.

"So no spells got it. Follow me.. you must at least know this" She motions me to follow her as she starts walking to the house next door to this one. I follow her down into the basement looking around.

"Where are we? Is this your house?"

"For the time being yes. Use your powers on me" She turns around to face me.


"Do it. Do it!"

"Ok!" I attempt to use my powers on her but nothing happens. "What.." I try again but still nothing. "Why can't I use my powers!? What did you do??"

"You really don't know? Basic protection spell on each wall? These are Runes Wanda. In a given space, only the witch that cast the runes can use her magic. I don't understand how you don't know the fundamentals" She shakes her head sighing. "We've got alot of work to do"

"You think I'm a witch? I'm not! I just.. I got my powers from the mind stone. That's it!" I try explaining but all she does is shake her head. "Maybe this was a bad idea.."

"Do you want to train or not? You won't get this training from anyone else." She warns me.

"You're right.. ok. But I do have to go back to the compound in awhile."

She begins laughing, "That won't be necessary. You'll stay here for the time being"

"What!? But I have to go back! I have Benji and I have to be with Y/n when they wake up and my team-"

"Enough rambling! I don't care about your life at your little compound. You want to train you have to stay here" She demands.

"Fine..." I sigh sadly, I have a bad feeling about this.

"Follow me back outside" She walks away so I quickly follow after her. "What can you do?"

"Um.. I can.. uh.." I take a deep breathe and carefully pick up a car sitting in front of her house.

"Hm ok. Now crush it with your powers" She orders.

"What? But isn't this someone's car??" I furrow my brows at her.

"Mine but it's ok I won't need it. So crush it!" She yells.

"Fine!" I concentrate slowly crushing the car with my powers. Then I drop the car taking a deep breathe and look over at Agatha.

"Hm. I think you can do more than that." She smirks, "We'll try something tomorrow, go back to the compound and grab some things to bring back here."

"Can I really not stay at the compound? It's not too far of a drive..." I give her a sad look but she just rolls her eyes.

"No! It's either you stay here and train or you stay there and never see me again. Your choice." She crosses her arms and waits for my answer.

"Fine.. I'll go grab some things and come back." I frown looking down on the ground. "Can I bring my little boy with me?"

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