Chapter 19

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"Wait you have a sister!? Did either of you know this?" You look at Peter and Wanda who both shake their heads no.

"The only person that knows, or well knew, is Clint. She's not my blood sister but she's still my sister. I haven't seen her for a long time.. and this is how she comes to visit!? Kidnapping Ben!?" Nat groans frustratedly running both her hands through her hair.

"Well since we know who took him, why don't we find Yelena and ask her where she took him?" Peter suggests shyly.

"Because who knows where SHE is! She could be half way across the world by now" Nat sighs.

"I'm right here actually" You all freeze hearing an unfamiliar Russian accent from behind you. You turn to see a blonde girl standing with a bag of chips. "Hi"

"Yelena! What the hell!? How'd you get in here??" Nat walks over to her as she shrugs.

"It's not hard to find ways into this place. I didn't realize this was the avengers compound. So when I did I came to visit my dear older sister" She smiles tilting her head to the side.

"Ok hate to break up this reunion but I'd like to know where the hell you took my son to!" You growl.

"Ok ok Y/n Y/l/n. But isn't he the son of the people o gave him to?" She queries.

"They are his biological parents. They gave him away to Hydra so they can torture and run tests on him. I saved him, and I adopted him. He's MY son! Where did you take my son!" You yelling starting to get irritated.

"Calm down sweetheart" Wanda wraps her arms around you kissing your cheek. "Please just tell us where our son is.." She looks over at Yelena keeping her arms around you.

"Hm. Natasha?" Yelena looks over at Nat smirking.

"Tell us where Ben is Yelena." She says irritated.

"Fine ok, here." She walks over handing you a piece of paper. "This is the address they had me take him to last night. They're probably still there"

"You're just... gonna let us go get him?" You look at her confused.

"Well the couple told me you two kidnapped the kid so I was sent to get him back" Yelena shrugs crossing her arms. "Now I know what actually happened. So yes go get him"

"Thanks I think?" You question when Wanda grabs your arm.

"Let's go get our son!" She says pulling you towards the compound door.

"Hey wait shouldn't we change into our suits?" You chuckle digging your heels into the floor making Wanda stop in her tracks.

"Yea yea I got it little miss Indigo" Wanda waves her hand using her magic to change you and her into your suits.

"Whoa, convenient. Thanks my Scarlet Witch" You wink taking her hand in yours.

"Hey where are you two off to? And who's this?" Tony walks in looking at all of us confused.

"Oh you must be Tony Stark!" Yelena exclaims while Tony keeps look at her confused.

"No really who is this?" He looks over at Nat for an answer.

"This is my little sister Yelena" She sighs putting her hand on her face.

"Yea can you explain him the situation? We will be back with Ben" You ask with a smile.

"Yea go save Ben, I'll fill Tony in." Nat takes a deep breathe shaking her head.

"Can I go?" Peter checks.

"No I'm sorry Peter, nothing against you but I think it should just be us. It shouldn't take long anyway" You sigh as Peter frowns.

"It's ok Parker, don't put yourself down. We'll be right back with Benji ok?" Wanda walks over to him putting her hands on his shoulders and smiles softly at Peter.

"Ok.. be careful. You don't know what those assholes are capable of" He warns as Wanda chuckles. "What?"

"Don't use that language on front of Rogers, he'll throw a fit" Tony warns walking towards the kitchen. "Fill me in in the kitchen"

"Ok can we go now?" You plea holding your hand out for Wanda.

"Yes bubs let's go" She hurries over to you smiling and takes your hand following her out the door.

"Where are my keys?" You begin patting yourself down for you car keys.

"Right here" Wanda hold them up in her hand smiling.

"Ah come on how'd you manage to take my keys?" You whine as she unlocks the car.

"Magic" She winks at you opening the car door and getting in the car. "Get in my love"

"Fine" You roll your eyes joining Wanda in the car. "So we kinda need a game plan huh?"

"Well.. yea good point." She chuckles turning the radio down. "I mean I can keep the.. what I don't want to calm them parents.."

"Assholes?" You suggest.

"Yes assholes! Thank you love" Wanda reaches over placing her hand on your thigh smiling. "I can keep the assholes busy while you find our baby boy"

"Ok ok I can get behind that plan." You nod looking at your window. You sit quietly for a moment then turn back to Wanda. "How are you gonna keep them busy? Are you just gonna use your powers to hold them in the are?"

"Eh I don't think they deserve for me to just restrain them in the air. They deserve worse than that." You watch her jaw tighten as she grips the steering wheel.

"Are you gonna... kill them?" You question her.

"No. Though I think they deserve death but no I'm not gonna kill then." Wanda takes a deep breathe as you just keep looking over at her.

"What are you gonna do then?"

"You'll see my love, just trust me" She looks over at you smiling.

"Ok.. I'll trust you babe" You smile taking her hand that's on your thigh into your hands. You bring it up to your lips kissing the back of her hand. "Let's get to saving our son."

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