Chapter 21

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Finally the three of you get back to the compound. While you get Ben out of his car seat you notice Wanda lost in thought a few feet away from you. "Wanda? My love?" You shut the door look over at Wanda again who's pulling at the sleeves of her suit. "Babe? Hello?" You watch her stay completely still. "Benny close your eyes I'm gonna kiss mommy"

"Ew!" He shakes his head giggling shutting his eyes.

You chuckle walking up to Wanda, you grab her chin softly crushing your lips onto hers. She makes a noise grabbing your sides in surprise. "Are you back now?" You chuckle giving her another little kiss.

"What was that for?" You pull back seeing her face now bright red.

"You were a little too lost in your thoughts there. I was starting to feel your worry love. Oh Ben you can open your eyes now silly" You tickle his tummy making him giggle opening his eyes.

"I want mommy to carry me inside!" He reaches for Wanda wanting her to take him.

"You do??" She looks at him surprised.

"Don't be so surprised beautiful, he said he's not upset with you" You chuckle handing Ben off to Wanda.

"I still love you this much mommy!" Ben spreads his arms out wide.

"I love you that much too my little prince!" She wraps both her arms tightly around Ben giving him kisses on his cheeks.

"Are you three gonna sit out here all day or are you gonna come inside?" Nats voice comes from towards the compound. You turn to see her standing with her arms crossed a little bit away from the three of you.

"We're coming!" You yell to her, so you grab Wanda's hand and start towards the compound.

"There's my favorite little nephew. Don't tell Barton's kids" She puts her finger to her lips winking at Ben making him laugh.

"I won't I promise auntie Nat!" He gives her a thumbs up with a big smile on his face.

"You'll have to meet the Barton kids sometime. I'm sure you'd get along with them" Wanda suggests giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"I forget Barton has a wife and kids sometimes" You shrug following Nat into the compound.

"Well you don't see him much. And he kept it a secret for a while too" You walk into the living room seeing Yelena and Peter sitting far apart on the couch.

"You're back! Ben!" Peter jumps up and over the couch then runs over to Wanda and Ben. He takes Ben from Wanda hugging him tightly.

"Ah! Peter you're crushing me! Stop it!" Ben laughs kicking his feet trying to get out of Peters hold.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't stop her from taking you Ben!" He cries as Ben keeps struggling making you and Wanda laugh.

"I told you it's fine Peter, you don't have to apologize to him" You pat him on the back chucking.

"Now let go of Benji before you squeeze the poor thing to death" Wanda adds, Peter sets Ben on the ground chuckling nervously.

"Sorry" He rubs the back of his neck standing up straight.

"Hey who's that mod?" Ben grabs your hand and points to Yelena with his other hand.

"That's Nat's sister Yelena.." You chuckle awkwardly debating on telling him if she's the one who took him.

"That's auntie Nat's sister?" He looks up at you confused then looks back at Nat.

"Auntie Nat?" Yelena looks over at Nat confused.

"He calls me his auntie, and I call him my nephew. I think it's cute" She shrugs walking towards Yelena ruffling Bens hair with a small smile on her face.

"So if she's your sister does that mean she's my auntie too?" Ben asks as Nat sits down on the couch next to Yelena.

"Well I should tell you something first" Yelena starts standing up and walking over to Ben. She squats down in front of him, "I'm the one who took you to your biological parents."


"She didn't know the situation until afterwards, she was told we kidnapped you" You try making Yelena not seem like the bad guy so much to Ben.

"Apologize Lena" Nat chimes in from the couch.


"Lena apologize to the poor kid for abducting him" Nat snaps at her.

"Ok ok. I'm sorry for taking you Ben" She tilts her head smiling while Ben squints his eyes at her scanning her face.

"Hm... ok I forgive you auntie Lena!" He giggles jumping forward hugging her causing Yelena to fall back a little.

"Hey you made a new friend Lena" Nat chuckles watching Yelena slowly wrap her arms around Ben hugging him back.

You watch what's happening then start hearing what sounds like crying coming from Ben. "Ben? Bubba are you crying?"

"No.." He shakes his head hiding his face in Yelena's shoulder.

"Oh no what'd I do?? My first contact with a kid and I've made him cry" She puts her arms up in the air making you laugh.

"Calm down Lena, come here bubba" You squat down opening your arms. Ben quickly run to you immediately latching onto your shirt. "What's wrong?"

"They're happy tears.. but I don't wanna seem like a baby.." He sniffles looking up at you.

"Aw Benji you're not gonna seem like a baby just because you cry" Wanda squats down next to him moving his hair off to the side.

"Your mommy's right bub. But why are you crying?" You check planting a small kiss on his forehead.

"I'm happy because I have a big family now, and it keeps growing. I love my big family!" He smiles, Wanda leans over kissing his cheek.

"We all love you too Ben!" You pull him into a hug.

"Everyone does, you're such an amazing kid Benji. I'm glad you're our son" Wanda joins in the hug.

"I wanna join too!" Peter runs over jumping into the hug.

"Come on Romanoff you know you wanna join in this group hug!" You peak over to Nat who's rolling her eyes.

"Fine.." She gets and walks over to the other side of you joining the group hug. "Lena?"

"Oh no I don't do that" She shakes her head no.

"Come on.. you're apart if this family whether you like it or not" You chime in.

"Their right, come on!" Nat opens her arm motioning Yelena to join the hug. Finally Yelena sighs and gives in walking over to you joining the hug.

"I don't know if I like this" She groans.

"You know you secretly love this Lena" Nat chuckles as Yelena rolls her eyes at her.

"Ok I bet Bens hungry so let's disperse so I can make him food" You laugh as everyone gets up.

"Wow just him?" Nat raises her eyebrows at you crossing her arms.

"Ok all of us, my love would you like to come cook with me?"

"Of course!" She wraps her arms around your neck giving you a big kiss on the cheek.

"I'll stay in here with them!" Ben stands up excitedly.

"We can put on something for you to watch" Nat smiles grabbing Bens hand bringing him to the couch.

"Sounds good, we'll be in the kitchen. Come on my love" You give Wanda a peck on the lips then walk onto the kitchen to cook with her.

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