Chapter 26

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You sit down on the couch as Wanda sets Bens presents down in front of him. Ben watches Wanda with the biggest smile on his face. She then walks over taking a seat next to you, "Go ahead you can start now baby"

"Yay! I'll open this one first!" He grabs a gift holding it up for you to see.

"That one's from your auntie Lena" You look over at Yelena who's biting her thumbnail watching Ben start to open her present.

He pulls out the hot wheels cars and smiles over at Yelena, "Thank you auntie Lena! These are awesome!" You look over at her again and she now has the biggest smile on her face. She sees you looking at her so she clears her throat looking up at the ceiling. He opens Sam's, then Steve's, you wait for him to open Tony's present. He opens Thors gift which is indeed just a toy sword. Now it's finally time to open Tony's present, you're slightly worried what exactly it is that he got him. He pulls out what looks like a mixture of his iron man gauntlets and Peters SpiderMan gloves.

"Oh no what's that Stark?" You groan as he walks over to Ben getting on his knees next to him.

"It's for defense! Look you can shoot webs from it and also blast something or someone with it. It's a mixture of my suit and Parker's suit. This'll do for now till you get older and we figure out what you want to do" He explains as Bens face lights up.

"This is so cool! Can I try them on?" He turns to Tony excitedly.

"I don't mind, make sure it's ok with your parents. I think I'm already in enough trouble" Tony laughs looking over at us.

"Can I try them on please mod and mommy!?" He smiles widely scooting over towards you and Wanda on his knees.

"Wanda?" You look over at her to see what she'll say.

"I think it's ok if he does" She smiles putting her hand in yours.

You sigh and look over at Ben with a smile, "Go ahead bubba you can try it on" Ben excitedly puts them on and stands up, "How are they bub?"

"They're awesome!" He points his hand at you.

"Wow hey don't point that at people! Only point it at something you're gonna shoot Benji" Wanda gets up putting his hand down. "We don't need you hurting anyone or even yourself" She moves his hair out of his face smiling.

"Oh sorry" He laughs nervously.

"It's ok baby, why don't we go into training room and Tony will show you how it works" Wanda looks at Tony then back at you.

"Good idea love, come on Benny!" You get up lifting him up into your shoulders as he giggles happily. You, Wanda and Tony walk with Ben into the training room with everyone following close behind.

"Wow what's that!?" Ben points over to the big toy car with a bow on it.

"Well that your present from us bud! Do you wanna drive it around a bit?" You ask taking him off your shoulders.

"Yea!" You set him down on the ground and kiss his head as he runs over to the car. "This is cool!" He hops in to it, "How do I go?"

Wanda walks over to him, "Ok so don't push it yet but this is the gas pedal. That's how you go, now to stop you'll press this pedal. That's the break. Got it Benji?" She smiles as he nods happily, "Ok you can go now, be careful" She kisses his cheek before standing up and walking over to you hugging you from the side. Ben starts driving around the training room as you and Wanda watch him happily. "We have the cutest kid" Wanda looks over at you kissing your cheek.

You look over at her meeting her gaze, "Yea, we really do"

Ben then skids to a stop in front of you, "Thank you mod and mommy!" He hops out giving both you and Wanda a hug.

"Should I show him how his gloves work now?" Tony chimes in.

"Oh right, yea go ahead" You motion for him to go as Ben jumps up and down excitedly. You watch as Tony squats down next to Ben explaining how to use the gloves he made.

He has Ben point his hand towards one of the training dummies and shoot a blast at it. "Whoa awesome!" He does it again with his other hand then two more times after. "Can I do webs now?" Tony nods and starts showing him how to use the web shooters. He shoots grabbing his car and bringing it to him, "Whoa!"

He shoots up at the ceiling starting to swing a little bit. "Be careful please Ben!" You watch slightly worried about him swinging around like that.

"Hey Benji why don't we go do that in the living room where there's a couch you can land on" Wanda suggests as Ben lands on his feet tripping a little.

"Ok mommy!" He runs over to Wanda asking her to pick him up. Wanda bends down kissing his head as she lifts him up. You all go back into the living room where Vision stands completely still.

"Hey Vis what's wrong?" Wanda queries setting Ben down on the ground.

"I'm not sure. Something feels.. off." He looks over at all of you as you walk back in.

"What do you mean by that?" You ask grabbing Bens shoulder before he runs off.

"I think something bad is coming." He looks up at the ceiling again.

"Bad? Do you know what it is?" Wanda grabs onto your hand squeezing it tightly.


Just then something comes crashing into the live room. You jump away grabbing ahold of Ben and Wanda bringing them with you. You look over to the center of the room seeing someone or something sitting there. "What the fuck.."

Hey everyone! I'm sorry for the wait I haven't really know what to write but I have an idea so there will be a lot more chapters coming out! Anyway I hope you all enjoyed and I hope you all have a great rest of your day!

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