Chapter 30

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"Wakanda Forever!" T'Challa crosses his hands over his chest as his Black Panther helmet covers his face, leading the army as you all run toward the barrier. T'Challa and Steve are at the front of the advancing army. The section in the barrier disappears and the Outriders charge at them. As more and more Outriders come through the barrier it becomes more difficult to fight them all. You look around fighting alongside Nat, seeing everyone beginning to struggle. "Where's Thor when you need him!?" You yell to Nat shooting lighting at one of the Outriders attacking her.

Suddenly a large beam of light lands nearby, and the Avengers and Wakandans stop to look up as the axe flies through the air, electrocuting the Outriders. Thor appears with his new axe Stormbreaker. "Happy Y/n?" Nat laughs slightly out of breathe.

"Nat look out!" You jump in front of her shooting lightning at a few Outriders coming at her. Then suddenly two big machines come out of the ground coming right for you, Nat and Okoye. Sam and Rhodes try shooting them to stop them but nothing happens. You step forward shooting lightning at them but still nothing.

"Y/n we gotta get out of the way!" Nat reaches for you but you turn shaking your head.

"No stay back! Im gonna try and stop it!" You focus, forming the purple veins up your arms starting at your hands.

"That's suicide Y/n! Don't be an idiot!" Nat watches as the machines grow increasingly closer.

"I'll be fine!" You take a deep breathe holding your hands out about to stop it. But then Wanda lands in front of you, using her magic stopping the machines. She then picks them up and throws them behind and around you killing multiple Outriders. "Wanda!"

"I'm not letting you kill yourself" She glares at you.

"Sorry.." You chuckle awkwardly then fight alongside Wanda and Nat against the Outriders, but you end up getting separated from them.

"We have a Vision situation!" Sam says through coms.

"Somebody get to Vision!!" Steve yells into coms.

"I got him!" Bruce says.

"I'll head over!" You say starting to run towards where Visions at.

"I'm on my way-" You turn to see Wanda being hit by the girl alien.

"Wanda!" You take a step forward.

"Y/n get to Vision! Me and Yelena will get Wanda" Nat says running alongside Yelena to Wanda.

"Thanks girls!" You turn back around running towards the where Vision landed. You get to them and see the male alien from before stabbing Visions stone. "Get away from him!" You shoot lightning at the alien sending him into a tree. "Vision get out of he-" Before you can finish a bigger alien swings at you sending you flying into multiple trees. "Ow" You couch up blood onto the floor seeing Bruce coming over in the big suit of armor attacking the big alien. "Gotta get to Vision" You groan using the broken tree to help you up holding onto your side. You stumble over to see the alien attacking Steve. "Steve!" You form lightning in your hand when Vision stabs the alien with his own staff killing him. You fall to your knees holding onto your side.

"Y/n!" Steve runs over grabbing onto you, "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine.. just need a second." He helps you up as you explain. Then Wanda lands near Vision running to him.

"Vis are you ok?" She asks as you and Steve walk over.

"He's here" He looks around as the stone shines brighter.

"Who?" Steve furrows his brows.


"Look alive everyone" Steve looks off talking into coms. Then not too far away a blue cloud appears and a big purple dude walks out of it.

"He's here." You turn to Wanda, "Wanda you need to destroy the stone"


"I know you don't want to kill him! But you have to, it's the only option!" You explain as Vision grabs her wrist.

"They're right. We're running out of time. You must destroy the stone" Vision puts her hand on his forehead. "It's ok... it's ok Wanda.. only you can do it. Please..."

She take a deep breathe and hesitantly begins shooting her magic into the mind stone. You watch as the others try attacking Thanos but he's deflecting like it's nothing. He's getting closer and closer to you Wanda and Vision. You run at him forming the purple veins along your arms once again and grab his hand with the gauntlet on it. You try to take it off or do something but he just smirks and punches you away into a tree. "Y/n!" Wanda yells then uses her other hand to shoot magic at Thanos in attempt to stop him.

Before Thanos can get to her the mind stone explodes and Vision with it. Then Wanda falls to her knees as he walks over to where Vision was. "I'll fulfill my destiny."

He uses the time stone to reverse what Wanda had down to Vision. Once he's done there sits a fully formed Vision. "No!" Wanda stands to her feet as Thanos grabs a hold of Visions throat. She steps forward but is quickly hit away from them.

"Wanda!" You get up on your feet in An attempt to get to her.

"The last stone" Thanos goes to grab the stone when Wanda stands up and uses her powers to stop his hand. "What the hell?" He looks over at her the let's go of Vision pointing the gauntlet at Wanda.

"I got you Vision" You use your powers forming a purple force field around him bringing him to you.

"No!" Thanos watches you bring Vision away from him.

"I won't let you touch them!" Wanda levitates wrapping her powers around Thanos. He yells as she begins pulling his arm with the glove with her powers. "Thor now would be nice!"

You look up to see Thor flying in with his axe. Right as he lands he chops of Thanos's arm, once it hits the ground you form a force field around it bringing it to you. "NO!!" Thanos scream fills the air.

"Now. You die."

I'm sorry if this chapter was like really bad 😅 It'll get better I promise!

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