Chapter 2

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"Who are you? What do you want with me!?" I yell looking out into the darkness.

"I'm the one who can help you. Help you unlock your full potential."

"Agatha?" I watch as she emerges from the darkness.

"It'd be in your best interest to join me and let me train you."

"I.. I can't."

"You can. And you will" She begins laughing maniacally as she uses her powers on me.

"Ahh!" I wake up and look around frantically making sure I'm in my room. I see Ben peacefully asleep next to me. Seeing him asleep I try and slow my breathing, "Good.. I'm here.."

I feel Ben move around and groan, "Are you ok? Why'd you scream?" He yawns looking over at me.

"I'm sorry did I wake you? I had a... weird dream and it startled me. Let's go back to bed ok?"

"Ok.." He yawns as I lay back down pulling him closer, he immediately latched onto my shirt. "Goodnight.."

"Goodnight Benji" I kiss his head holding him close to me. I close my eyes and finally fall asleep again. The next morning I wake up staring at the ceiling, I groan putting my hands on my face.

"Wanda? Can we go downstairs and eat?" Ben climbs on top of me and sits on my stomach.

"Oh you're awake too, morning buddy. Uh right sure we can" I smile and sit up kissing his forehead.

"Yay!" He jumps off me and runs over to the door, "Let's go!"

"I'm coming silly" I laugh getting up off the bed and opening up the door for him. He trots Down the stairs as I follow close behind him. Once we are in the kitchen I set him on the counter and make him some toast.

"Hey, morning Wanda. You ok?" Steve walks into the kitchen as I start to space out.

"Huh? Oh I was just thinking.." I look at Ben who's munching on his toast.

"Anything in particular? Maybe about that lady you met yesterday in WestView?" He quietus's sitting on one of the barstools.

"What? How do you know about that?" I look over at him confused.

"Nat told me, she said she was getting a bad vibe from her. She didn't feel right" He shrugs as I look back down at the counter. "What?"

"She popped up in my dream last night. Saying I should train with her.. for my own good." I sigh, "I've always wanted to understand my powers more.. what if training with this woman helps me?"

"What if it doesn't?"


"What if she's just using you? I don't want you to get hurt Wanda" I frown as he looks at me furrowing his brows.

"Do you not want me to maybe be able to.. understand my powers and grow?"

"That's not what I'm saying." He sighs frustratedly, "We don't know who this Agatha is. She could have some evil motive or something we don't know about."

"If she does then we can defeat her." I take a deep breathe, "I want to train with her"


"No Steve! What If this does help? She said she can help me and I want to believe her. Look if it turns to sh- crap then that's on me. I'll take the blame, but please... I want to understand.. I want my powers to grow." He sighs and gets up walking over to me as Ben watches silently.

"Is that what you really want?"


"Ok. You can go train with her. I trust you Wanda" He smiles and steps closer giving me a hug as tears well up in my eyes.

"Thank you Steve" I hug him tightly sniffling.

"I don't think Nat or Tony will like this but you're a big girl, you can make decisions on your own. Just let Tony know" He laughs letting go of me.

"Ok I'll go talk to him. Hey Benji will you be ok staying here with Peter for a little bit?" I turn back to Ben as he finishes his toast and smiles at brightly at me.

"Yep! I like playing with Peter" He smiles as I wipe his hands with a paper towel then throws it away.

"Im glad, now let's go find him" I kiss his cheek and pick him up from the counter. I look around and finally find Peter, "Peter! Can you watch Benji for a little while?"

"Hey, sure! Want to come watch a movie Ben?" Peter turns to us smiling.


I squat down setting Ben down on the ground, i grab his shoulders and smile. "I'll be back soon ok? Be good"

"I will I promise" He smiles giving me a kiss then trots over to Peter.

"Bye love you Benji, bye Peter" I wave to the two of them as Ben sits next to Peter.

"Bye love you too!"

"Bye Wanda" The two wave bye back, I turn to now go find Tony. I eventually find him in his workshop.

"Hey Tony?" I say feeling nervous.

"Hey Wanda what's up?" He turns wiping his hands with a rag.

"I'm guessing you know about the woman who came up to me yesterday in WestView?" I check to see if he knows.

"Yes I do actually. Let me guess, you want to take her up on the offer of training you?" I look at him shocked and caught off guard. How'd he know?

"What how'd you know??"

"Why else would you look for me and bring it up? Look if that's what you want then fine but don't forget where your loyalty lies" He warns setting the rag down. "And where your home is"

"I won't forget! I just think it'd be good for me and even the whole team if I train. If I can get an even better hold on my powers!" I watch him think for a few moments before saying and hanging his head down.

"Alright, I trust you Wanda. Go on, go train. We will see you later" He looks back up shooting me a quick smile then turns away.

"Ok thank you Tony!" I quickly leave his workshop and head for the front door. I stop with my hand in the doorknob. "Y/n..." I walk over to the medical room where Y/n lays. "Hey bubs I'll be back.. I think you'll be proud of me for wanting to do this... I'd like your take on it but.. it's ok. I love you and I'll see you when I'm back" I lean down kissing their lips gently before leaving the room. "Time to find Agatha."

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