Chapter 35

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Normal POV:
You stand in the training room out of breathe. "Damn it" You groan grabbing your side in pain. "Why is it always my side?" You waddle over to the bench sitting down hoping the pain goes away.

"You ok in here Y/l/n?" Steve's voice comes from behind you. You turn around to see him walking towards you.

"You could say that" You laugh tiredly turning around on the bench.

"You should get checked out by Bruce" Steve suggests taking a seat on the other bench in front of you.

"It's fine, I'll walk it off some more" You smile taking a sharp inhale.

"No you're supposed to walk it off if you die." He laughs, crossing his arms. "I was wondering where you've been hiding out. Wanda's in the medical room healing up Vision" He tells you.

"I didn't ask." You grab your water bottle taking a drink.

"I know. Look I know Wanda attacked you, and I know you know it was through that books influence. But you can't let that take away from your feelings for her. Do you remember when she found out you had a girlfriend? And she threw you into a wall causing you to bleed. She felt so bad and you.. well you still fell in love with her. So what's the difference now? Whether it was because of a book or whatever, it doesn't matter. What matters is you two love each other." He smiles patting you on the back.

"Ugh I hate that you're right. You're too good at that, at these talks" You roll your eyes at him as he chuckles.

"Now go get Wanda and stop sulking in here" He laughs shooing you away.

"I'm not sulking" You get up rolling your eyes again.

"Just go"

"I'm going" You groan leaving the training room, you head towards the medical room. Before you get to the medical you see Wanda walking towards you.

"Bubs!" Her face lights up as you stop a few feet away from her smiling at her.

"Hi.." You say quietly while rubbing the back of your neck.

"Babe I'm sorry I really am.. I don't know what came over me I just... snapped and hurt you and I'm so sorry" She hesitantly takes a step forward then steps back almost immediately.

You chuckle and open your arms, "Come here my love" You watch as tears fill her eyes as she runs over to you almost tackling you into a hug.  "I can't stay mad at you. You kiss her head hearing a small sob escape her lips as she buries her face in your chest.

"I'm so sorry, I love you so much! I'd never intentionally hurt you" She cries tightening her grip around you.

"I love you too, I know you wouldn't intentionally hurt me beautiful" You pull back cupping her cheeks in your hands. "You promise me you won't ever do it again?"

"I promise! I promise I won't ever touch that book again, I'll let it stay in Strange's hands. I don't need it, I don't want it. It made me hurt you, I don't want to hurt you" She sniffles leaning into your touch.

"I love you, and I believe you. Now" You take a step back and hold out your hand. "Give me your ring"

"What!? Why!? I thought you weren't mad at me babe!" She brings her hands to her chest in a panic.

"Just give me it" You chuckle as she shakes her head no. "Babe trust me, give me the ring" After a few moments she sighs and takes off her ring setting it in your hand.

"Babe we can talk about this" She frowns pulling at the sleeves of her shirt.

You smile grabbing her hand and getting down on one knee. "Wanda, I love you. No matter how much you beat me and break me"

"I'm sorry I did that-"

"Let me finish" You laugh kissing her hand. "I'll love you no matter what, I'll always love you and protect you. No book will ever change that. So Wanda, will you still marry me on September 20?" You smile holding the ring up to her as tears begin forming in her eyes.

"Of course I'll still marry you!" She jumps forward wrapping her arms your neck and tackling you into a hug on the ground. "I love you so so much" She grabs your face giving you kisses over and over again.

"I love you too Wanda" You chuckle grabbing her hand and slipping the ring back onto her finger. Once you do that she grabs your face again kissing you lovingly.

"Well look who finally made up" Nat's voice makes you both look up to see her standing a few feet away from you both.

"Yay!" Ben runs out from behind Nat and runs over to you jumping on top of you and Wanda.

"Hey Ben!" You laugh pulling him in between you and Wanda as he giggles.

"Glad to see you two made up" Nat walks over as you and Wanda sit up with Ben laying across your laps.

"They even reproposed" Wanda leans forward kissing your cheek gently.

"So we're still gonna be a big happy family?" Ben pops up looking from Wanda to you.

"Of course!" You pull him onto your lap and wrap him up in a big hair. "We will always be a big happy family. Not just me and your mommy. But everyone here, all these amazing people are our family" You kiss his cheek as he giggles.

"Everyone here and Uncle Y/b/n and Uncle Tanner!" He pulls back with a big smile on his face.

"That's right bubba" You smile then look up at Wanda who's staring at you smiling softly.

"What's happening? Why are you three on the floor?" Bruce walks into the hallway looking confused at everyone.

"They made up" Nat shrugs chuckling a little bit.

"Oh that's great" He smiles as you put Ben on Wanda's lap and get up onto your feet.

"Actually Bruce I needed to see you. Can you check my side? It still hurts and I don't know if I'm just sore or not" You ask while flattening out your crumpled up shirt.

"Yea sure follow me" He motions for you to follow.

You take a step forward to follow him when Wanda stops you, grabbing onto your wrist. "Yes my love?"

"Are you.. gonna be ok? I.. I hurt you, did I hurt you really bad?" She says softly with tears forming in her eyes.

You look back at Ben who's looking at you both confused, then back at Wanda. "I'm sure it's just sore beautiful" You step forward grabbing onto her hips. "I'm gonna be fine, don't worry about it" You pull her closer to you and give her a loving kiss.

"I love you" She says sticking her bottom lip out into a pout.

"I love you too, I'll be right back" You chuckle kissing her again then walking off after Bruce. "I sure hope I'm just sore"

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