Chapter 28

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It's been awhile now since everything happened. Tony, Thor, Peter and Bruce haven't come back yet which starts to worry you and everyone else. Finally you hear the front door open and close but only Bruce comes running in. "Bruce! What happened? Where are the others?"

"I I don't know. Tony, Parker and the doctor guy got taken in the ship. And Thor said he needed to go somewhere and make a new weapon. They want the infinity stones for an alien named Thanos. They want Visions stone. He's gonna destroy half of the universe!" He explains as now everyone is on their feet as worry fills the room.

"We can't let him get that stone" Steve chimes in looking at Vision who's leaning on the window looking out.

"Well what are we supposed to do then?" Nat crosses her arms stepping into the conversation.

"We have to destroy it" Vision sighs looking over at you all.

"What?" You furrow your brows at him.

"How exactly would we do that?" Steve queries.

" I think if it were exposed to a sufficiently powerful energy source, something, very similar to its own signature, perhaps... Its molecular integrity could fail" He starts towards Wanda who's shaking her head.

"And you with it. We aren't having this conversation" Wanda furrows her brows as Vision approaches her.

"Eliminating the stone is the only way to be certain that this Thanos can't get it." He explains.

"That's too high a price Vis" She objects.

"Only you, have the power to pay it. Thanos threatens half the Universe. One life cannot stand in the way of defeating him." He grabs her shoulders but she backs away shaking her head.

"It should" You chime in.

"We don't trade lives Vision" Steve adds.

"Captain, 70 years ago, you laid down your life to save how many millions of people. Tell me, why is this any different?" Vision queries walking towards Steve now.

Steve takes a breath, but before he has a chance to answer Bruce begins to speak. "Because you might have a choice. Your mind is made up of a complex construct of overlays. Jarvis, Ultron, Tony, me, the Stone. All of them mixed together. All of them learning from one another."

"You're saying Vision isn't just the stone?" You ask confused.

"I'm saying that... If we take out the stone, there's still a whole lot of Vision left. Perhaps the best parts." Bruce explains making you chuckle a little.

"Arguably.." You say to yourself. But Wanda hears you and smacks your arm. "Ow what? I'm kidding.. maybe" She glares at you making you shrink back, "Sorry.."

"Anyway. Bruce Can we do that?" Nat joins into the conversation again.

"Not me. Not here" He admits shaking his head.

"Then you better find someone, and somewhere fast." Yelena chimes in after not speaking this whole time.

"I know somewhere." Steve speaks up making you all look over to him.


"Suit up everyone. We are going to Wakanda. We leave in 10" Steve instructs.

"Come on" You grab Wanda's hand hurrying up to your room.

You start rummaging through your closet when Wanda clears her throat, "I got it babe"

"What?" You turn around as she waves her hand using her magic. In doing so she changes you and her into you suits. "Oh thanks my love"

"It's better than wasting time looking for it" She walks over kissing you softly and then pulling you into a hug. She nuzzles her face into your neck.

"Are you ok babe?" You ask wrapping your arms tightly around her waist.

"I'm worried... I told you I had a good reason to be nervous.." She hold you closer as you begin feeling her worry.

"Hey everything will be ok my love!" You cup her cheeks in you hands kissing her softly. "We will defeat Thanos and anything he throws at up. Then we can focus on Ben and getting married. We will win, we're the avengers" You kiss her forehead as she leans forward chuckling softly.

"You're right.. I love you Y/n" She looks up smiling softly at you.

"I love you too Wanda, let's head down to the jet. I'm sure everyone's waiting" You turn to leave but Wanda grabs your face softly stopping you. "Hi"

"Hi" She giggles bringing you back to her kissing you passionately. You chuckle wrapping your arms around her deepening the kiss.

After a few seconds you pull away, "Ok if we keep kissing like this we are never leaving this room" You tease as she scrunches her nose cutely.

"Tempting bubs, but we should go before one of them come looking for us" She giggles kissing you softly.

"Right" You kiss her one more time before interlocking your fingers with her and walk downstairs with her.

"Are we all ready?" Steve asks as you get to the living room.

"There you two are, I thought I was gonna have to come get you" Nat smirks as you and Wanda approach her.

"No need, we were just talking" You chuckle as Wanda wraps her arms around you from the side.

"Mhm, and kissing I'm sure" Yelena chimes in with a laugh.

"Let's head out everyone. We have to hurry" Steve instructs motioning for all of you to follow.

You all pile out of the compound and into the quinjet when you hear someone coming. "Hey wait for me! What's going on!?" Bucky comes running up from the driveway.

"Bucky you're back!" Steve smiles giving him a hug and bringing him into the jet. "We'll explain on the way"

"On the way? To where?" He queries as Nat shuts the quinjet door.

"Wakanda" You sit down next to Wanda as he looks confused. "Sit. We'll fill you in since you've been on a mission" You motion to the seat on front of you. Bucky sits down and you and Banner explain to him what's going on.

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