Chapter Eighteen

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"Are you going to prom?" Alice asked, looking over at Meira from across the room

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"Are you going to prom?" Alice asked, looking over at Meira from across the room.

Meira had left school again, only because she had over exerted herself trying to communicate with a spirit. She was trying to speak to the spirit of the girl in the restroom, but she used to much energy trying to do so. Alice and Jasper had to bring the girl back to their place before she ended up passing out in school. Carlisle told her to not try so hard speaking to a spirit until after she gets her energy and rest back, which she had been losing over the past few days. With that being said though, he believed she'd have an easier time speaking to her father's spirit first to learn, since there was a chance he'd be easier to understand.

"I don't know. I didn't really plan on going to prom." Meira replied, causing Alice to frown.

"I think it'd be best for you to go. We're all going. This would be your last school dance before you graduated." Alice commented, making Meira sigh.

"I'm still not a huge fan of school dances. I'm also not a fan of all the people trying to surround me when I'm trying to have a good time, just because they want my attention for who I am." Meira said, and Alice nodded.

"You could always go with Alice and I. We could keep the people away from you." Jasper commented, but Meira shook her head.

"I'm not being a third wheel. Thank you, but I'm not going to prom." She replied, causing Alice to groan.

"You're Jasper's best friend, you have to go with us!" She exclaimed, but Meira shook her head once again.

Jasper didn't want her to feel like a third wheel, especially since she was his best friend, but there wasn't really anything he could say to change her mind. She was dead set on not going, even when Alice was pestering her like crazy.

"Believe it or not, I was thinking about going homeschooled for the last few weeks of school." Meira commented, causing Jasper and Alice to stare at her with wide eyes.

"Absolutely not. You're almost done with school, you shouldn't go homeschooled right before graduation." Alice said, and Meira nodded.

"I know, but I was thinking about it when I first started losing sleep and having trouble dealing with everything." Meira replied, causing the couple to frown.

"You should've come to us." Alice murmured, but with a simple look from Meira, she understood why the girl didn't approach them.

Meira still hadn't completely forgiven them, and truth be told, she wasn't sure if she ever would, but she was getting back into her friendship with Jasper. Jasper was so easy to get along with and connect with, so she found it hard not to be close to him. He seemed to understand her more than anyone else she had ever met. Bella was the only other person she had befriended, and she hoped Jasper would stay her friend as long as Bella still was.

"The man you are supposed to meet for your music is coming in two days." Alice announced, after pulling herself from a vision.

"Finally. I thought he was never going to come. I wouldn't blame him, I mean, he did meet my mother before myself, so I could understand why he wouldn't want to meet me. The woman is crazy, so if I were him, I'd probably think her daughters are as well." Meira replied, causing Jasper and Alice to chuckle.

"Are you signing a music contract, or are you just selling music?" Jasper asked, causing the girl to shrug.

"I don't know, I mean, I'm graduating school early. I have plenty of time to become a signed musician, and I want time to just explore, but I need to make my own money." Meira said, leaning back into the couch and crossing her arms.

Meira wanted to be a musician like her father, but she doubted she'd ever actually make it out into the music scene. Besides, she knew if she did become famous, her mother would come crawling back so she could gain attention. Her mother was all about the publicity, which was one of the main reasons Meira wasn't sure about signing a contract. Meira wondered if she could restrict her mother from having any connection to her money or anything, but since she wasn't eighteen, she doubted she'd have that much power. She really didn't want to take everything to court either, since she knew it would probably hurt Bean in the process.

Over the year, Meira hadn't expected to be graduating early. The principal had approached her and told her about how high her scores were on one of the harder tests the school took. So, the principal set up for Meira to take senior testing at the end of the year, to see if she was ready to graduate with the seniors. Obviously she hadn't taken the tests quite yet, but she was determined to graduate early. She wasn't a big fan of school, so she took any chance she got to get out of school, especially if that meant she could graduate early and never have to go back.

"I'm thinking of cancelling my meeting with the music producer. It would be easier for me, and I wouldn't have to deal with my mother trying to get my money." Meira said, shocking Jasper and Alice.

"Don't cancel, at least let him speak to you. Maybe you could set up for a contract that doesn't start for a few years." Alice replied, making Meira sigh.

"I guess I could try, but I don't want to be disappointed." Meira murmured, causing Alice to smile.

"You won't be." She answered, and Meira could tell Alice had known something she didn't.

Meira just hoped she wouldn't regret speaking to the music producer, especially after the development of her new abilities. She doubted anyone would want a person like her as a musician if they knew about her abilities. She hoped to become a musician like her father, but she also hoped her abilities wouldn't be her downfall. Honestly, her life seemed to get more complicated as she grew older...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I figured her being out of school would be easier for the book to progress more.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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