Chapter Ten

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Meira woke up with a gasp; her heart racing and tears falling down her face. She couldn't believe that her father had talked to her in her dream. She didn't understand how he had been able to do so, but she also didn't want him to leave. She didn't feel so crazy now that she knew he really was around when she swore she felt his ghost, but that didn't keep from her feeling a little frightened as well.

Jasper had felt her mood change dramatically, causing his eyebrows to furrow. He quickly stood and ran to the room where the girl was sleeping. He opened the door and his eyes widened when he seen the girl crying in the bed. Walking into the room, he sat down on the bed and sent a wave of calm towards her. The girl scowled slightly at him, but she kept her mouth shut. She knew she'd cry if she opened her mouth.

"Are you alright?" Jasper asked, causing the girl to nod.

Meira didn't want to tell Jasper the truth, since she didn't want to be called crazy. She knew she wasn't exactly crazy anymore, to herself, but to others she knew she would be. People had always side-eyed her before, so she didn't want to give them a reason to do it more.

"I can tell from your emotions that you're not. Tell me what's wrong, Meira. If you tell me, I might be able to help you." Jasper said, causing the girl to sigh.

"I don't want to be called crazy." She whispered, her voice barely above a whisper.

If Jasper hadn't been a vampire with heightened hearing, he wouldn't have heard what the girl had said.

"Meira, I'm a vampire who controls and feels others emotions and sparkles in the sun. If I'm not crazy, than I'm not going to call you crazy." Jasper replied, causing the girl to snort humorously.

"Jasper, do you believe in ghosts?" Meira asked, causing the boy to bite his lip.

Jasper had never seen or encountered a ghost before. He never had a person he wished was a ghost for him either. He had heard ghost stories before all throughout his life, but he never had his own.

"I've never encountered one, but I wouldn't doubt that they're real." He replied, and Meira nodded.

"My father's a ghost." She said, making Jasper's eyes widen slightly.

"Meira--" He began, before she cut him off.

"I knew it! You think I'm crazy!" She exclaimed, as she quickly stood up from the bed and went to walk out of the room.

Jasper quickly stood as well and grabbed the girl's arm, turning her around to look at him again.

"Meira, I wasn't going to call you crazy, but I do want to know why you believe he's a ghost." He said, and the girl sighed.

"Do you remember when we went to Aberdeen and we went to my old home?" She asked, and he nodded,"I opened some kind of window between here and the other side. Ever since we left, I've been feeling his spirit around me. I know it sounds crazy, but when there's a ghost, every time they come in contact with you they're cold to the touch and almost feather-like, and I felt that sensation often. I knew it was my father's spirit, because I know his aura well." She stated, causing the boy to frown.

"How do you know this happened? When was the first time? What's been going on?" He asked, questioning rolling off his tongue with a quickness.

"I felt his presence when we were in my childhood home, after I touched the handprints on the wall. Ever since that day, I've felt him around me. He's always around, and I've felt him place his hand on my arm or sit near me on my bed. I've felt him hug me and kiss my forehead. I've watched my notebooks open, like he's reading my music. He'd sit in the chair near my bed and it would move. Most of the time when he'd read the notebooks would be when I'm going to sleep, like he was trying to stop himself from keeping me awake." She stated, a smile on her face.

"He can move things and you can feel him? Can he do anything else?" Jasper asked, causing the girl to bite her lip.

"I-I talked to him in my dream. When you came in here and saw me crying, I had just talked to him. He told me what had happened and why I could feel him around now. He said he's always around, so he knows everything that goes on around me. He hasn't been able to see my sister, so I'm going to try and contact her every so often to ease my worry, as well as his. W-when I was in my dream, I could hug him and talk to him like he wasn't gone. He said he loved and missed me, and he would try to contact me often, but the dream took a lot of energy," She informed him, sighing slightly,"Jasper, do you believe any of this, or do you think I'm crazy?" She asked, causing the boy to smile lightly.

"I believe you. We should talk to Carlisle tonight and see what he says about all of this. I know Alice told you they wouldn't be back until tomorrow, but they'll be back by ten tonight. Carlisle should have answers, and maybe it'll make things easier for you." Jasper said, and Meira smiled.

"Thank you, Jasper." Meira replied, hugging her friend.

Alice and Emmett had heard everything, so they hoped Carlisle could give the girl some answers. She deserved to know why she could practically talk to ghosts. She also deserved to know if her ability strengthened, if she'd be in contact with other ghosts, even ghosts of people she didn't know. They hoped for the best for their human friend, since she deserved to finally find some closure in her life...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, do you guys want a chapter where Carlisle explains everything to the girl, or would you rather skip that and just get on with the story?

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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