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     THE MIYAGI-DO STUDENTS are warming up as they wait for Daniel to get there, Robby was striking the punching bag while Mason holds it

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THE MIYAGI-DO STUDENTS are warming up as they wait for Daniel to get there, Robby was striking the punching bag while Mason holds it. Sawyer and Sam were stretching on the wooden deck. "Maybe we should record a video of us sparring and post it on Instagram." Robby suggests, "Everybody already saw us at Valley Fest. They didn't care." Sam states, Robby sighs.

"You know what the problem is? Miyagi-Do is all about defense." Mason speaks up, "Defense wins championships." Sawyer states, "Yeah, but people show up for the offense. That's why Cobra Kai is more popular. They don't know that we can fight too." He continues. "So, what exactly are we supposed to do?" Sam asks, looking between the two boys. "Go to the mall and pick a fight? Record us defending ourselves?"

"It's not the worst idea." Robby says, shrugging his shoulders. "That's a terrible idea." Sawyer scoffs, rolling her eyes.


TORY, JUNE, AND WYATT get ready and then head over to dojo to join. They walk in with a few other people who were also looking to join, all of the current students we're wearing white gi's and either stretching or talking amongst each other.

    They all stand up as the older man from Valley Fest walked out, "Listen up! I see we've got some new recruits. Everybody, fall in. In neat rows and lines." He tells the class. Everybody gets in their lines, with Tory, June and Wyatt all in the back unnoticed.

    "Time to see what your made of." He walks through the lines looking at everybody, "Sorry, parents can't stay for class. It's an insurance thing." He states, walking over to a grown man who was here for some reason.

  "I'm not a dad. I am here to kick some ass, sir!" The dude says, raising his voice towards the end. June and Wyatt just look at each other weirdly. "이 사람은 바보야  (This guys an idiot) June mutters in Korean. Wyatt tries to hold in a laugh.

  "Look, you're a little old. This is a class for teenagers." The sensei states. "Well, I... I can take them." The guy chuckles. "I'm not afraid of kids, sir. And my mom, she doesn't charge rent, so I just... I gotta lot of cash to burn." He continues, pulling out a 20 dollar bill and handing it to him.

    "바보  (dumbass) Wyatt whispers, making June and Tory smile. The two had taught Tory some Korean in return as she taught them more English, she of course wanted to know all of the Korean curse words.

   "I thought my last group of recruits was pathetic. If you do what I tell you to do you'll at least have a chance of becoming a fighter. But to do that, you gotta fight. So, which one of you has the balls to take on the champ?" Sensei Lawrence explains, everybody is quiet as he looks around for anybody.

  Tory suddenly speaks up, "I'll take him on."

    Everybody looks back towards the three, "Oh, you will, huh?" He asks.

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