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"It was two weeks ago today at West Valley High, where what can only be described as an all-out karate riot caught students and faculty off-guard, sending shock waves through the Valley."

"Tonight, West Valley High administrators are holding a community meeting to answer questions and help settle fears."

"Police are still on the lookout for Robby Keene and June Seok, who ran away after the fight. Keene who kicked fellow student Miguel Diaz off a second floor balcony landing right here on this staircase. And Seok who police believe instigated the fight against another student. As well as owning and using an illegal weapon on campus. Both Keene and Seok have since been expelled. Diaz, meanwhile, remains in a coma at West Valley General."

June scoffs at the news report, "Instigated, my ass." She pulls up her hood and puts her black sunglasses on after a few people gave her some weird glances.

She quickly exits the store that she had entered just to see the news. The girl walks down the streets, seeing a million different drug addicts, and homeless people about, but that was normal especially in Reseda.

June walked into the empty alleyway she was hiding out in for the time being. A few druggies had tried to claim the alley for themselves, but June had all scared them off.

    She constantly thought about Wyatt and Hae, wondering how they were doing with all of this. Are things going back to normal? Or did June just mess everything up?

She's had her fair share of bad thoughts, whenever sad, the girl would go to this bridge that looks over a busy freeway. It seems like she spending most of her time there, slightly surprised that the police hasn't found her there yet.

    That bridge was now her new favorite spot, it wasn't the best looking place to be in the Valley, but it wasn't a stinky old alleyway with the smell of drugs and shitty restaurant food.

    She wanted to be back at home, but also liked not having to deal with people like the LaRusso's or any of the Cobra Kai assholes.

    Maybe she shouldn't return to the madness, and just not be here anymore.


    DANIEL AND AMANDA wanted justice for what happened to both Sam and Sawyer. "We're not leaving without an explanation." Daniel says, the two walking into the high school.

"I can't believe they had the gall to suspend our kids for two weeks!" Amanda complains, "I'll tell the school board how incompetent they are. Heads will roll."

"At least they expelled the girl who started the whole thing." Daniel tries to reason. "Expelled? That bitch should be in Shawshank. Good thing the police are looking for her." Amanda exclaims in anger.

"Calm down."

"'Calm down?' Everyone is against us! In case you haven't noticed, the dealership is a ghost town." She continues at her husband. "It's not that bad." Daniel states, both of them stopping in their tracks.

"Yes, it is. Daniel, our name is poison. Turns out 'Kicking the competition' isn't a cute tagline when your karate student literally kicks the competition over a railing." Daniel looks down, sadly. He knew that she was right, he just didn't want to believe it. Amanda sighs, "Look... I'm sorry. It's just... I'm a little on edge right now, okay?"

Daniel shakes his head, looking up to her. "No. I'm sorry. I got us into this. And I promise, I'm gonna find a way to get us out. Okay? Come on." The two walk into the PTA meeting for all of the parents.

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