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𝘪. family 』

(episode one

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(episode one. let's begin)

      JUNE AND WYATT WERE RUNNING LATE TO PRACTICE. They both got off for shifts late, and didn't have much time to get ready for class. The twins quickly took their shoes off, stepping onto the mat. June looked over to see Tory, punching a mannequin head. While the other boys didn't bat an eye when the twins walked in late.

    "Yo, I'm telling you, man, when I get to ASU, honeys be lining up for this snack, know what I mean?" Kyler laughed, bragging. Wyatt rolled his eyes at the teen, he's never been to fond of the guy. "Anyways, my dad, he wants me to go to Harvard, but I think ASU's like the Harvard of the west coast."

    Tory walked up behind the boys, "You guys are pathetic. If you handled your business, we would have won that fight."

    "Okay, whatever. Hawk, he switched sides."

    "Yeah, Miguel just got of a wheelchair, yet, he still kicked your ass." Wyatt spoke snarkily. Kyler scoffed, "You know what? At least I'm still here. Half the squad quit.."

The door bell chimes, the teens all look over to see Robby there, glancing between them. "Well look who showed up." Tory scoffed, the boy walks into the back room, "That fool doesn't even practice but he gets to stay? I don't get it." Kyler complained, waving his hands around before dropping them to his side.


    "DINNER IS SERVED." JOHNNY SAYS TO THE FAMILY INCLUDING MASON. "All right, tonight's main course is fajitas and grilled vegetables. I have pico de gallo and corn and flour tortillas." Johnny explains, the table all looking impressed by the elaborate meal.

     "Wow. This looks delicious, Johnny." Carmen compliments, "Thanks. I got the recipe of the chili's website. I wanted it be authentic."

     "¿Auténtico para quién? Somos ecuatorianos no mexicanos" (Authentic for who? We're Ecuadorian not Mexican). Rosa says. "So how was the first day?" Carmen questioned the boys.

     "Uh, you know, it's the first day. Work in progress." Johnny answered, "I'm happy you and Daniel are working together. I just want to make sure Miggy's safe."

     "Mama, I said my backs in better shape than ever, okay? You don't have to worry." Miguel assures, still having some bruises and scratches on his face from the last fight. "She's your mom, she's always gonna worry. But don't worry, I'm watching him. I'm watching you too." Johnny states, pointing to Miguel and then to Mason, surprising him.

     Rosa comments to Miguel about Sam, the boys face heating up in embarrassment. "I'm glad you and Sam are back together. She's cute." Carmen smiles, looking to her son. Mason teasingly nudges his elbow to the boy, Miguel retorts back, "Okay, but you got that whole thing going on with the other LaRusso."

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