𝖛𝖎𝖎𝖎. 𝐍𝐎 𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐘

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    ROBBY AND MASON had decided to take the drunk Sam and Sawyer to their dads place to see if they could crash there

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ROBBY AND MASON had decided to take the drunk Sam and Sawyer to their dads place to see if they could crash there. The next morning, while the girls were still asleep, and Robby was looking through a box of stuff that Johnny had. Mason went out to talk to him.

"Hey. Thank you letting us crash here."

"It's no problem. But, look, I'm gonna have to tell LaRusso about this. It's his kids." Johnny explains, "Please don't. If he sees them like this, it'll crush him."

"Let us take the blame. I'll say I got drunk and told them to bring me here." Robby says, from the hallway. Knocking on the door interrupts them. "Oh no." Mason mutters.

"Johnny, come on, I saw your car outside. I know you're in there, open up." Daniel says from outside. "Go in the other room. I got your back." Johnny tells the two.

They go hide in the bedroom, as they hear Daniel and Johnny talking. Daniel then kicks the door open, which hit Johnny in the face. He stumbles back as Daniel walks in. "Sam? Sawyer?"

The two girls jump out of the bed, to see Robby and Mason by the door holding it closed.

The two men fought, Daniel kicking Johnny's face, he turns around to go find his daughters but is pulled back by Johnny and slammed in the TV, making it fall off the wall.

"You wanna finish this?" Daniel questions. "Bring it."

They try to fight but the teens come out and pull the back. "Dad, stop!" The girls shout, stepping between the two rivals.

"Girls. What happened? Are you okay?" Daniel questions upon seeing his daughters. "Yeah, we're fine." Sam answers, "Why didn't you call or text us?" Daniel shouts.

"Mr. LaRusso, it was our fault. We brought them here." Mason adds. "Don't even start. I gave you guys a second chance. This whole thing was a mistake. You know, you wanna end up like him, that's up to you. All right, come on, girls." Daniel says grabbing the girls' arms. "Please, dad." Sam pleads.

"Sam, I don't wanna hear it. Let's go." Daniel says, pulling the two girls out and slamming the door.


WYATT AND MIGUEL were extremely worried, neither of them had seen June or Tory since the party. "Still nothing from Tory?" Aisha asks, Miguel. He just shakes his head. "June didn't even come home yesterday. I'm really worried about her." Wyatt says, biting his nail.

"You haven't heard anything?" Miguel asks, looking to Aisha. "Neither of them will text me back. I'm getting worried."

"Think they got in trouble with the cops?" Miguel questions, Wyatt sighs, putting his head in his hands. "I don't know. But missing the first day of school is not a good sign." Aisha states, the three walking into the school together.

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