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    SENSEI LAWERENCE came back from being gone for few days

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    SENSEI LAWERENCE came back from being gone for few days. "Everybody, get your gis on. Training starts in five minutes." He announces, walking out of the office. The students are all confused and walk towards the two sensei's. "Yeah, what's wrong?"

    "N-Nothing's wrong. I just thought we were going to the woods for a special training today." Miguel states, Johnny looks back at Kreese in question. "What's happening in the woods."

    "Well, I thought it was a good time to separate them the men from the boys. And the girls, too, I suppose." Kreese explains to Johnny. "How?" He questions.

    "Coyote Creek."

    Johnny sighs, shifting his stance. "I'm not sure they're ready for that." Kreese scoffs, "There's only one way to find out."

    "Were ready, Sensei. We wanna prove ourselves." Hawk adds. "It's up to Sensei Lawerence. If he says it's ok, then, and only then, is it ok." Kreese says, everybody's gaze going towards the blonde.

    "All right, what are you waiting for? Let's go." Johnny states, all of them smile and head out the door.

    Once at Coyote Creek, Kreese and Johnny divide them into two teams, black and red.

    June, Wyatt, Tory, and Miguel were on the black team along with others. While Hawk, Aisha and Mitch were in the red team with other Cobra Kai's.

    "Gentlemen, ladies. Welcome to Coyote Creek. You've been split into two teams, red... and black." Kreese holds up a red headband, while Johnny holds up a black one. "The goal is to capture as many headbands as possible from the other side. Today, the people across from you are not your friends. They're not your brothers. They are the enemy. Last team standing wins..."

    "How do we get the headbands?" Miguel asks, "By any means possible. No rules." Kreese answers. "Use your judgement. This is just a training exercise." Johnny adds.

    "Correct, but remember, this is your life. You lose it... you die."

    "Hey, guys! Sorry I'm late. Traffic on the 118 was a real bitch. Put Coyote Creek into the nav. Nothing came up." Chubs says, running up to the group, confusing everyone. He was wearing aviator sunglasses and his beard was braided. "What have you done to yourself?" Johnny looks him up and down.

    "Oh, the..." He gestures to his appearance, "Yeah, you know what, I just decided to flip the script, Hawk-style. Respect. Heretofore, you can refer to me... as Stingray." He explains, taking off his glasses and stroking his braided beard.

    "Yeah, all right, Chubs. He's on your team." Johnny says, looking over to Kreese. "Terrific."

    "What's happens if at the end of this, if it's just us?" Wyatt questions, him and June walking through the forest. "Don't worry I have a plan." June states, they hear leaves rustling behind them, and turn around to see one of the red team members.

    "Oh, shit." He mutters. They get in their fighting positions. He tries to kick June but she blocks and hits him in the side. The boy stumbles back right into Wyatt's arms, who holds his leg up as June kicks his chest. He falls to the ground, Wyatt grabs his headband before kicking him in the face.

     "So, you gonna tell me this plan or what?" Wyatt questions, "If I told you, then that ruins the plan." June states, walking in a different direction as him. "Fine, then. Don't tell your brother this secret plan!" He exclaims as she walks away, glancing over her shoulder and giving him a shy smile.

    Mostly everybody was out except Miguel and Hawk, or that's what they thought. They then heard shouts from not that far away and all go towards the noise. Miguel was able to take Hawk down, taking his headband and the Medal of Honor.

    The group comes over, as Miguel holds up the red headband. "Finish him." Kreese mutters, to Miguel, while gesturing towards Hawk. He sweeps his leg, and hit Hawk in the face. "Team Black!"

    The black team cheers, and runs over to him. Stingray then comes out from hiding under a bunch of leaves and dirt and puts Miguel in a choke hold. "You know, the thing about stingrays is, they lie and wait for the perfect opportunity... to strike!" He grabs the headband off of Miguel's head.

  Wyatt looks up to the trees to see June crouched on the tree branch with a thick branch in her hand. She notices his gaze and puts a finger up to her lips, telling him to be quiet. He just chuckles under his breath, Tory hears this looking over to him. "What are you smiling at? We just lost?" She questions, Wyatt looks over to her. "Oh, just wait."

  Stingray let's go of Miguel, pushing him away. He holds up the black headband, "The red team just won!"

    June sees this as her opportunity to strike, and jumps down from the tree, running to Stingray and hitting him over the head with a branch. He falls to the ground as everybody looks shocked at her sudden appearance. She drops the branch, and bends down to grab the red headband off of Stingrays head. "Good thing about not standing out, they never notice you coming from behind." June states looking down at him, and softly groans at the pain in his head.

    The black team cheers, and runs towards June in victory. After stepping away from them she walks over to Johnny and hands him the headband. "Good job, kid."

    June nods before walking back to the others.


SAWYER LARUSSO had been ignoring Wyatt for past week, only because of what the Cobra Kai's had done to Miyagi-Do. She knew that he wasn't involved in the act but just didn't have the courage to talk to him since.

    Wyatt was laying in bed, when his phone started to ring.


      Wyatt reluctantly answers the phone, "Hey."

    "Hey. Look I just wanna say I'm sorry for ignoring you lately." Sawyer says.

    "It's okay, I guess. Just thought you were mad at me for something I didn't even know about." Wyatt sighs.

    "I know. I just felt conflicted. But I wanna make it up to you." Sawyer states, a small smile in her face. "How about a date?"

    Wyatt smiles. "You know what, I have an even better idea. There's an 80s night at the roller rink on Friday. You should come."

    "Yeah, sounds great, but what are we gonna wear?" Sawyer questions, "I was planning on going as Marty McFly if you wanna be Jessica?" Wyatt smiles. Sawyer gasps, "I love that. Let's do it."

shorter chapter today but you get June being a badass

NOTES shorter chapter today but you get June being a badass

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